No I have thought about this
I am fully capable of accurately
answering this question.
The issue is your ignorance in many different areas.
If I was talking to you face to face or even on the phone
I could explain fission,
(and how a nuclear excursion takes place in milli-seconds)
prompt critical, delayed neutrons, nuclear poisons
how you can't just throttle up and down the thermal output
of a reactor like it was a lawn mower
The idea that a steam turbine can over speed if unloaded
and that the 25,000 volts @ 25,000 amps output of the generator
has to be connected to a load (the grid) and what type of outrageously
expensive equipment would be required onsite to sink this massive load
if you were going to try to run the plant off the grid
a giant investment in a piece of equipment that you'd never use in the first place
and I could go on and on as to why you must not understand enough
regarding this issue or you would never have posed such a question in the first place.
Today there is a fire in building four in the fuel storage pool.
This is a nuclear accident of mammoth proportions and it proves
beyond any doubt that nuclear power is insanely safe.
Very little radiation will be released and no one is going to be killed
The tsunami has killed thousands
But ignorant people are already clamoring to have plants shut down
and this saddens me...
So Gonz what was the question again?
Why couldn't they just keep the plant running even after
a 30 foot tall wall of water washed over the plant?
Gee I haven't a freakin' clue