9/11 + 5 years


Well-Known Member
It's been 5 years since 9/11 shook up the world and lots of stuff has happened since then. Two wars, increased security measures, etc... the question is:

Do you feel any safer?
How do you think the world has changed since 9/11?
Do you feel any safer?
No, not really. Don't really think the danger is any more imminent than it was.
How do you think the world has changed since 9/11?
Outside of the US I don't think it has really changed in any significant way. Inside the US you need to get to the airport sooner and you'll probably have to take your shoes off.
IMHO, the bad guys won. They got the price of oil to double and got us to curtail our freedoms to the rouse of thunderous applause.
IMHO, the bad guys won. They got the price of oil to double and got us to curtail our freedoms to the rouse of thunderous applause.

That depends on who you consider the bad guys. The terrorists and muslim fundamentalists don't see a dime of that money. Multinational "big oil" gets that. Conflict and unrest are profitable. Always have been. A lot of people think this is a conspiracy theory, but they do it right out in the open. :shrug: A lot of "American held" companies have made a lot of money. It's our own fault though. We aggressively refuse to do anything about it. I do agree about the freedoms though.
I don't know if safer is the question to be asked. I am a lot more wary of threats and the measures taken or not taken to address them, but given my locale my safety level is about the same. Don't know many shiite terrorists too interested in these hills. In that, they are like the typical American. :D

How has the world changed? It's gotten smaller, and nastier.

many people have forgotten that:

the Freedoms that their soldiers have fought and died for
the freedoms being taken away from them in the interest of national security

many people have forgotten that:

the Freedoms that their soldiers have fought and died for
the freedoms being taken away from them in the interest of national security

This is the price we all pay .... for the Feel-good society some of us value more than freedom.

Ask yourselves this. How many of your neighbours can you call friends? Good friends, not just 'nod to each other on the way to your car in the morning"? How many people take an interest in the local municipal meetings? Schoolboard?

So long as so few people are willing to take an interest in even the smallest affairs outside of their own lives ..... other's will .... to their advantage.

9-11 wasn't caused by gov'ts. It was caused by people .... who sat in planes and waited for someone else to solve the problem of a hijacking. And one plane .... who's passengers didn't. And it was a wakeup call that most have still failed to heed.
Do you feel any safer?

Hmmm ... considering that TSA gave me crap about carrying on my 4oz bottle of contact solution while my friend got through with her utility knife in her purse (which she forgot to take out) ... I'd say no.

But thank god they discovered my contact solution ... I could've squirted down the flight attendants.
Hmmm ... considering that TSA gave me crap about carrying on my 4oz bottle of contact solution while my friend got through with her utility knife in her purse (which she forgot to take out) ... I'd say no.

But thank god they discovered my contact solution ... I could've squirted down the flight attendants.

You'd be surprised what kind of explosives can be made with simple household ingredients. Just take a read of your deodorant "ingredients". Solid or spray makes no difference. Then take a look-see at your hairspray. Mouthwash and toothpaste can be mixed with any number of ordinary items (gotta have the toothpaste as a stabilizer) to cause quite an 'explosive decompression'...;)
You'd be surprised what kind of explosives can be made with simple household ingredients. Just take a read of your deodorant "ingredients". Solid or spray makes no difference. Then take a look-see at your hairspray. Mothwash and toothpaste can be mixed with any number of ordinary items (gotta have the toothpaste as a stabilizer) to cause quite an 'explosive decompression'...;)

Mothwash? I know mothballs are one common ingredient in homemade plastique ... but mothwash is something I've never heard of.
Mothwash? I know mothballs are one common ingredient in homemade plastique ... but mothwash is something I've never heard of.

Damnedable gummint keyboard...that was supposed to be mouthwash. And naphtha-plastique has to be cooked...or so I've heard. :nerd:
Hmmm ... considering that TSA gave me crap about carrying on my 4oz bottle of contact solution while my friend got through with her utility knife in her purse (which she forgot to take out) ... I'd say no.

But thank god they discovered my contact solution ... I could've squirted down the flight attendants.

Since some asswipe made liquid explosives that can be hidden/blended in everday stuff while no longer making box cutters illegal to carry, it makes sense even if it is stupid.
Since some asswipe made liquid explosives that can be hidden/blended in everday stuff while no longer making box cutters illegal to carry, it makes sense even if it is stupid.

I know, I know. But I was sure cussing someone out when my contacts dried out in my eyes and I had to throw them out!! (It didn't help that my son sat on my glasses and broke them) :nerd:
I used to be able to bring a bottle of Vodka in my backpack to share with my neighbors on a flight.
I'm surprised they'd ever let you do that, terrorism or no. I'd think the airline would want you to buy your drinks from them at inflated prices.
I was never sure if I was officially allowed to do it or not. So I'd keep it out of sight when the attendants were near.

Not that we were being overly discreet when we kept demanding more orange juice and 7-Up.

I did it about quite a few times. Sometimes just sharing with friends or my GF but at least a couple times we had 4-8 strangers drinking with us
Hmmm. Jsut about every transatlantic flight I've ever taken had free drinks. Lord knows I did my best to lighten their load.
Maybe it's just America West that does it, then. You'd think the money they raise selling drinks and dinners to people could be used to keep the inflatable emergency exit slides working right so they don't have to cancel a flight or something... not that I'm bitter or anything.