9/11 - plus 7 years

Your last sentenence is probably precisely why he doesn't hate America.
You can disagree with the rulers in place and still love the country. It's not mutually exclusive.
Guess that cartoon touched a nerve.

That statement (Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty) applies internally just as much as externally. Maybe more so as most great nation states/empires had been weakened internally before external forces finished them off.

It's the seditious nature of the fifth column---on vivid display over the last 7 years as anti war protesters who block trucks and pour concrete over train tracks in an effort to shut down ports and stop military shipments.

Represented by members of the US senate and Congress who vote no to military funding, who say the war is lost, we can't win, who call their own country's military baby killers, rapists, and thugs and murderers.

As illustrated by actors and filmmakers who push fictional films that pander to the elites in their industry by portraying our military in a bad light.

Demonstrated by the ACLU, who whine about the treatment of terrorists in custody who are there because they want to kill us, who want to give the terrorists lawyers and civil rights and trials and set them free to kill again.

Exemplified by the dinosaur media's obsessive attempts to second-guess our president's decisions in a time of war. To bias the people's beliefs against the reasons we are defending ourselves against radical Islamists. Who circulate pictures and stories and sing praises about the brave enemy and call them "freedom fighters."
Innocents killed. I dare say 911 took care of that quite nicely. and that wasn't the work of this country

Yeah, and then we killed way more innocents after that. Remember?

if you want to create a sense of security by taking away from liberty and justice adn freedom and eqaulity go right ahead.

The current administration already did. And they didn't even make us secure in the process.

I think we are goign about it the right way, by going after the people who attacked us.

No, we invaded Iraq instead.

I personally dont have anything to hide or be ashamed of.

That's no excuse to give up your freedom.

Soldiers sign up for whatever their orders are and most of them carrey out those orders honorably. A few dont. That happens in any job. Some people are not cut out to be a soldier, and they never should have voluntered for it either. To make heros out of them is rediculous. The 99% who do carrey out the orders are to be admired and supported.

What are you trying to say? This has nothing to do with the context of the conversation.

Youre a confusing person. Why do you hate America so much?

I don't hate America. Anyone that would give up their freedom like you must hate what America stands for. Why do you hate America so much?

Alot of countrys wouldn't allow you to complain about their goverments like you do.

Good. So when the government screw up as badly as the current admins have we should use that.
I personally dont have anything to hide or be ashamed of. They can search me at an air port as long as they like.

That's a double edged sword. While we're in a state of war, I've been backing the Commander in Chief & his policies. However, the invasive nature of this type of system & the limitations placed on free movement is a serious hinderance to freedom, especially given the sheer number of travelers we have on a daily basis.

Temporarilty giving up freedoms is not the same as long term, permanent limitations.
It's the seditious nature of the fifth column---on vivid display over the last 7 years as anti war protesters who block trucks and pour concrete over train tracks in an effort to shut down ports and stop military shipments.
Never read about anything like that.

Represented by members of the US senate and Congress who vote no to military funding, who say the war is lost, we can't win,
Yup. Pandering for votes among the disillusioned section of the populace.

who call their own country's military baby killers, rapists, and thugs and murderers.
You do realize it is 2008 and not 1968...right? I think everyone agrees the mess in Iraq is not the fault of the military and they are doing their job with honor.

As illustrated by actors and filmmakers who push fictional films that pander to the elites in their industry by portraying our military in a bad light.
Seen a couple Iraq war movies. They didn't strike me as putting the military in a bad light. Maybe I just haven't seen the same ones as you. I thought Generation Kill on HBO was very well done.

Demonstrated by the ACLU, who whine about the treatment of terrorists in custody who are there because they want to kill us, who want to give the terrorists lawyers and civil rights and trials and set them free to kill again.
That is the ACLU's job. They make the same noise about pedophiles and serial killers.

Exemplified by the dinosaur media's obsessive attempts to second-guess our president's decisions in a time of war. To bias the people's beliefs against the reasons we are defending ourselves against radical Islamists. Who circulate pictures and stories and sing praises about the brave enemy and call them "freedom fighters."

Actually, its extended presidential war powers. We never officially declared war or the media could be charged with treason. Again, second guessing the administration is the media's job. I'd hate to have a passive media that agrees with everything.
Yes, there is liberal bias in a lot of mainstream media but there is plenty of conservative bias too. Depends on what publications you read.
"Three thousand people died on Sept. 11 because eight pilots were killed"
-- former Northwest Airlines pilot Stephen Luckey


Halifax Airport September 11, 2001


Gander Airport September 11, 2001
Never read about anything like that.

Activists protesting military shipments at the Port of Olympia poured cement over railroad tracks to try to block shipments coming out of the Port today, according to Olympia police. http://michellemalkin.com/2007/11/1...e-on-train-tracks-to-stop-military-shipments/

Several portions of the train tracks leading into the port of Olympia have been covered in concrete. It is recommended that all of the tracks from the port be checked before any train moves out in order to prevent any injury or accident. This has been done in order to delay the shipments attempting to leave the port of Olympia. A thorough scan starting at the port entrance along the tracks will reveal the concrete impediments. http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2007/11/368470.shtml?discuss
sound like domestic terrorrism from here. hope they catch whoever did this and build them a new jail to live under
Since you quoted spike, I'll add this...How many years is the first enlistment good for...and you better be right about that because I know for certain...
You lightweight. :rolleyes: The point is our country was attacked. We were attacked just because, and some of your fellow countrymen died just because of it.
No shit our country was attacked. I think everyone already knew that.

The question was if there was a point in mentioning it. Understand?
Were you trying to make a point? You wrote it all big as if there was super important to this conversation, yet no point to be found.

What you do not get, and never will get, is that the inability of the crew to defend their aircraft from being taken over, and the fact that they were the first ones to die on that day, allowed the terrorists to complete their mission and kill nearly 3,000 Americans.
Actually it's common knowledge. Maybe it seems like some big fat revelation to you but the rest of were aware of that years ago.

I thought perhaps since you posted with a big font that you had some point that was more important than what everyone else had to say. But no, it turns out you were just posting common knowledge as if you had just recently diescovered some gigantic personal revelation.

Apparently you just have some catching up to do.
What you do not get, and never will get, is that the inability of the crew to defend their aircraft from being taken over, and the fact that they were the first ones to die on that day, allowed the terrorists to complete their mission and kill nearly 3,000 Americans.


Let's not get personal...
Actually it's common knowledge. Maybe it seems like some big fat revelation to you but the rest of were aware of that years ago.

I thought perhaps since you posted with a big font that you had some point that was more important than what everyone else had to say. But no, it turns out you were just posting common knowledge as if you had just recently diescovered some gigantic personal revelation.

Apparently you just have some catching up to do.

You should watch your mouth as well. The fact that this entire thread is about 9/11 should've been enough for you to figure out what was going on.