9/11 - plus 7 years

You do realize it is 2008 and not 1968...right? I think everyone agrees the mess in Iraq is not the fault of the military and they are doing their job with honor.

John Murtha, John Kerry, Barac Obama & several other members of our esteemed left in the governing body accused our troops of atrocities in the last three years (or so). I'm sure quotes could be found right on this board.

We know it's the 21st century. The Democrats are partying like it's 1969.
Actually it's common knowledge. Maybe it seems like some big fat revelation to you but the rest of were aware of that years ago.

I thought perhaps since you posted with a big font that you had some point that was more important than what everyone else had to say. But no, it turns out you were just posting common knowledge as if you had just recently diescovered some gigantic personal revelation.

Apparently you just have some catching up to do.

It has been my sig line here, and at other boards, since 2002.
You're welcome.

Now, if you'd be so kind as to stop treatin' Canadians as criminals when we come to visit, it'd be much appreciated.

Since when? And about getting personal, I have never treated anyone that way, Canadian or otherwise. If you are a criminal, regardless of your origin, then you are one and that's that. One does not become a criminal by declaration; with the possible exception of dictatorships.

There was much made of the fact that Canadians opened their homes and businesses to the thousands of mostly American passengers trapped there for up to three days. They fed, clothed, and sheltered those people without recompense. The world owes them a debt of gratitude and thanks for their kindness in that hour of need.
Since when? And about getting personal, I have never treated anyone that way, Canadian or otherwise. If you are a criminal, regardless of your origin, then you are one and that's that. One does not become a criminal by declaration; with the possible exception of dictatorships.

There was much made of the fact that Canadians opened their homes and businesses to the thousands of mostly American passengers trapped there for up to three days. They fed, clothed, and sheltered those people without recompense. The world owes them a debt of gratitude and thanks for their kindness in that hour of need.
I wasn't using the personal "you", but the all encompassing 'you' - as in the US GVT.

Longest undefended border on the face of the Earth. Closest allies and trading partners, we send troops across each others borders to help in trajic situations and even cross-train troops...

Yet..I want to cross into the USA? Do a little shopping, a little fishing etc...
"Papers!" No, those papers aren't good enough anymore, do you have a passport? If so... roll right over there and come to a stop. If not, turn around and go get them, sir.

At least they're nice enough to try and not wake up my sleeping kids when they turn over my minivan looking for WMDs, or whateverfuck they're looking for. I pass the border often because the summer fishing lodge is (burnt now) in NY.

Even with a passport, I get the hairy eyeball and the 20 questions. Often. My wife gets worst, because she's got dual citizenship (Spain/Canada).

Tell me...at the LONGEST UNDEFENDED BORDER IN THE WORLD, when dealing with Canadians... why are my hubcaps removed and left on the ground? Why are my bags rifled through? What's up with the dogs? The Spanish Inquisition? Hmmm?
Tell me...at the LONGEST UNDEFENDED BORDER IN THE WORLD, when dealing with Canadians... why are my hubcaps removed and left on the ground? Why are my bags rifled through? What's up with the dogs? The Spanish Inquisition? Hmmm?
Short answer? Its called "Border Control". The Japanese are making everyone get fingerprinted...Big deal. If you don't like the process, then don't visit. Harsh, but...considering there have been folks arrested coming over the US-Canadian border with harmful intent, I'd think you'd be happy that the hassle was there...
Short answer? Its called "Border Control". The Japanese are making everyone get fingerprinted...Big deal. If you don't like the process, then don't visit. Harsh, but...considering there have been folks arrested coming over the US-Canadian border with harmful intent, I'd think you'd be happy that the hassle was there...
So is the USA...granted, not everyone but I've been printed and they charged me for the privilege. Why? I was the 6th person through that time? My inlaws have been printed and have been passing that border for the past 26 years. Their digital file must be HUGE by now.

Despite the printing, and the constant checks, and the digital trail I leave every time I cross (sometimes weekly during the summer), why am I re-checked.

Pre-911, I could use my drivers license to cross - now it's not good enough.
Yes...there are bad guys now...but there were bad guys then too. Including the infamous canadian pot smugglers.

How much is border control and how much is overkill?

I just think it's really sad that a thread created to remember victims of 9/11 is reduced to yet another "I'm right, here's my resources to prove it" name-calling, bashing session. Y'all have an entire forum dedicated to that childish crap, had to bring it in here? Pertinent or not, relevant or not, emotional or not, it doesn't matter. Bad form.
It got off-topic, and I'm not terribly happy about it. Half to blame, but there ya go.

It's an emotional topic...people tend to get defensive when their emotions are stirred towards the negative. It washes over..and is proof positive that nothing exists in a vacume.
I wasn't using the personal "you", but the all encompassing 'you' - as in the US GVT.

Longest undefended border on the face of the Earth. Closest allies and trading partners, we send troops across each others borders to help in trajic situations and even cross-train troops...

Yet..I want to cross into the USA? Do a little shopping, a little fishing etc...
"Papers!" No, those papers aren't good enough anymore, do you have a passport? If so... roll right over there and come to a stop. If not, turn around and go get them, sir.

At least they're nice enough to try and not wake up my sleeping kids when they turn over my minivan looking for WMDs, or whateverfuck they're looking for. I pass the border often because the summer fishing lodge is (burnt now) in NY.

Even with a passport, I get the hairy eyeball and the 20 questions. Often. My wife gets worst, because she's got dual citizenship (Spain/Canada).

Tell me...at the LONGEST UNDEFENDED BORDER IN THE WORLD, when dealing with Canadians... why are my hubcaps removed and left on the ground? Why are my bags rifled through? What's up with the dogs? The Spanish Inquisition? Hmmm?

The problem isn't you. The problem is your government allowing unfettered access to your nation by Islamic extremists.
The problem isn't you. The problem is your government allowing unfettered access to your nation by Islamic extremists.
You iz de funny, jim.

My problem is that every country on the face of the earth seems to be ticked at your foreign policy and you've turned up your paranoimeter to 11. You're treating every non-white non-American as a potential terrorist...including your greatest allies, eh.
You iz de funny, jim.

My problem is that every country on the face of the earth seems to be ticked at your foreign policy and you've turned up your paranoimeter to 11. You're treating every non-white non-American as a potential terrorist...including your greatest allies, eh.

No. We treat the people your government allows to run roughshod over them as a potential terrorist. The word is out that Canada is a free haven and since She shares a border with the U.S. a great place to sneak in.

Ya gotta admit that Canada pegs the poplitical correctness meter. They are running scared of the Islamists and pander to them. Need I mention the Human Rights Commission and how they have pilloried THIS GUY and Maclean’s magazine? I'm sure the name Mark Steyn is no stranger to you if you pay attention to what is going on there.

Watch the video by clicking on the image or simply click HERE.
Hey Jimbo used one example to make a sweeping generalization of all Canadians everywhere.

Who'da thunk it.
Need I remind you, Jim..that the 9-11 terrorists came through your own borders, and not ours.

I'm afraid that I wasn't familiar with Steyn. I'll read more...but that site you linked has pretty poor writing style. I'll look around and see if I can find an alternative location on the subject.

Pakistan is a free haven, Saudi Arabia is a free haven...Canada?

As for that slam about us 'running scared of Islamists' - I don't see how you can make such a broad generalization. Yes, we have a better foreign policy, but that hardly equates to pandering to anyone.
Need I mention the Human Rights Commission and how they have pilloried THIS GUY and Maclean’s magazine? I'm sure the name Mark Steyn is no stranger to you if you pay attention to what is going on there.

Watch the video by clicking on the image or simply click HERE.

The Canadian Islamic Congress laid two complains against 'this guy'. One with the Ontario HRC and the other with the Federal HRC. Both were overturned...the latter in June

The federal Canadian Human Rights Commission dismissed the Canadian Islamic Congress' complaint against Maclean’s in June 2008

Pilloried is a bit of an overstatement, dontcha think?