A Hole Saw Thief



I go into this one store. They always come over to see if they can help me find something. They do it to everyone.

One thing I noticed about this store is they think everyone is going to shoplift something. I was back looking at the auto section and getting ready to buy something. They come over and ask if they can help. I noticed when I look at the screwdrivers that they get a little paranoid.

Today I went back there to buy something like I said. I made sure to fondle the screwdrivers to get them nervous. Then I went over looking at the hold saws. First the guy comes over to me at the screwdrivers and asks if he can help me. I tell him no and he tells me they sell a lot them. I go over to the hole saws next and he follows me over there and stands on top of me until I leave.

I wont tell ya the name of that store but they sure do suck. If I was going to steal something, it sure would not be a screwdriver or a holesaw. There ain't a screwdriver or holesaw in the world that would make me happy. :)
I hate stores like that, but I hate even more that the small store owners feel that way. They've obviously had alot of merchandise walk out the door. :disgust2:
I really don't think a screwdriver is worth making off with. I suppose there are some people that would do that kind of thing but I have screwdrivers up to my ears at home.

A lot of times I look something over pretty good before making up my mind if I want to buy it. One example is a video card that I had in my sights recently. It was marked down from 99 to 74. I kept watching to see if it would go down any further. Someone bought it and brought it back. The plastic was gone off of the box. I though that might cause this store to lower it a little more, but someone else bought it in the mean time. I was hoping to get it for around 50 because that is about what they cost on the web. I figured that if they didn't lower it then I would just order one over the internet.

The point is that I don't always just buy something without looking at it. Often times, I think a long time before making up my mind.

I can understand this tool store's position, but they really have lost touch with reality thinking I want their screwdriver that bad.
True, I don't think a screwdriver would be on the top of my list either, but you have to think of the store owners perspective. Especially in a tool store, there are hundreds of items small enough for a person to steal easily. If you think about markups in things like that, you're usually looking at 20, maybe 25 percent, so it takes selling 4 or 5 just to make up for the COST of the one stolen one, not counting the profit they lost on them all. It really sucks to be a small store owner these days. You may not be a thief, but there are plenty out there that would and do steal things as stupid as screwdrivers.

As for looking at stuff, I do it too, I want to be sure that it is what I want, and that it will do what I want it to do. If that takes three trips to make sure, it takes three trips.
I agree with you about going back to look at something. I do it all the time.

As for this store I'm talking about, it's a large farm store. I've been going in there for years. I don't buy much from them because their attitude sucks. I bought a new coat from them back in February for 50 bucks but that is about all this year.
I understand, and that is the really sad part. A good store that trusts people attracts the shoplifters, then they notice their merchandise is walking out the door, and start cracking down, alienating the good customers. Welcome to the American business. :disgust2:
If the opportunity presents itself ,a person who is prone to thiefery will take it ,even if they don't need it.
well, i bet they are losing more because of scared potential buyers than they would by casual theft.
One thing I learned from all of this is that everytime I go to that store I want to make sure that I fondle the screwdrivers. :D
I really hate it when assistants "hover"! I like to look at things in my own time too and I'm perfectly capable of asking for help if I need it! I'm much less likely to buy something if I feel that I'm being pressured.
Bubba said:
One thing I learned from all of this is that everytime I go to that store I want to make sure that I fondle the screwdrivers. :D

lol :D

around here they do that a lot as well, very annoying!
One of these days I am going to go in that store and buy one of those screwdrivers just to get their goat. I might take my time and walk around with it for a while.:D
Am I the only one who tells these assholes to fuck off? Try it. Trust me, they back off, double quick.

Clerk - Can I help you sir?
Me - No thanks, just pricing.
Clerk - anything else out of his mouth
Me - Did you hear what I just said?
Clerk - anything other than sorry, sir
Me - Hey fuckbait, I said I'm just pricing.
Clerk - anything at all
Me - Go get your manager, shit for brains. I've a complaint to file.

Never have a problem twice.
I have plenty of screwdrivers. I think that's the reason I prolly don't go to the screwdriver aisle too much anymore. Ok, yeah...I might wander by them on the way to the chisels..but I just don't stop and linger over them much anymore. I think once you realize you're happy with the screwdrivers you have, you just don't need to stop and fondle all the other ones :shrug: Maybe it's just me.

:hump: Powertools, now that's a different story....
I need to fondle the new screwdrivers. The feel of the grip, the smell of the neoprene. The gleam of the chrome vanadium. The heft, the power rush.

Hi. My name is Professur, and I'm a toolaholic.
See, now I just like the old ones. I got a phillips head with a blue and clear handle that is just twisted. I'm sure it wasn't like that when I bought it. Prolly kinda melted to what it is now from the sun in a toolbox on the back of my truck. It's been that way for years. I got a big ol' red and yellow flathead and a stumpy little blue stanley flathead...and some black handled gereric ones. I just can't be going in hardware stores fondling other screwdrivers. It wouldn't be right. :blank:
Q said:
I have plenty of screwdrivers. I think that's the reason I prolly don't go to the screwdriver aisle too much anymore. Ok, yeah...I might wander by them on the way to the chisels..but I just don't stop and linger over them much anymore. I think once you realize you're happy with the screwdrivers you have, you just don't need to stop and fondle all the other ones :shrug: Maybe it's just me.

:hump: Powertools, now that's a different story....

Yeah but I like to fondle their screwdrivers. I hang around 'em just because it makes me feel good. The hole saw got me excited because I started thinking about computer geek things like making blowholes in my computer case. He ruined my fun of imagining hacking up my case and the horror of how it would look when I was finished. Besides, I knew if I fondled their screwdriver that would be excuse not to buy anything because I knew they'd come over and bug me.
Squiggy asked me for a screwdriver yesterday...he said anything will do...I handed him a flathead, a square and a star...he looks at the squarehead and says...that's not a screwdriver! :eek5:

I laughed for HOURS :rofl3:
You see, we all have a thing for screwdrivers. :eek:

I'm getting a liddle concerned about my comments being construed as unmanly.
Didya know that the Robertson screwdriver is a Canadian invention?

BTW <ashamed> I still haven't used that arc welder I bought yet.