A new obsession...

greenfreak said:
Hey Gonz, be honest, you're mean and you know it. And you, a gardener of all people, I thought *you* would understand. But you really garden for neccessity, not for fun, right? Do you grow stuff besides veggies? I'm so bad, I don't eat them like I should. Wanna show me your cucumbers?

Veggies & herbs. I understand completely, it's just too much for my tastes. I'm the same with cars & computer parts & restaurants. There has to be a limit!!! Cars should not be over $9000. for a midsize average joe car. I wait for "supersales" on parts ($89. for a Ti4200 for example) & plants should not be more than $3.75 for 10000 seeds :D

and I am not mean. realistic usually, pragmatic always. I'm gonna start a new thread just because of prices. :p

So, in essence, what you're saying is that you're a cheap bastard? ;)

I just planted Petunia seeds which I bought for $4.00 whereas if I bought the plants grown that they would produce, it would cost me easily 10 times as much. Did the same thing with all my coleus, got my spider plants for free from cuttings of other people's plants, and I'm growing my own African Violets from the cuttings of others. I think I'm entitled to buy one expensive plant once in a while. I am not frivolous when it comes to gardening by any means. The most money I spend is on pots and dirt because I can't grow that myself. :)
Q said:
Spot!!! Let's name it Spot. I like that name. And now that you've decided not to kill me, I think I should get a say :D

The first name that popped in my head was "Kiko" - which is the Hawaiian word for Spot! :headbang:

And I think Q is right! $40 is not too much for someone who loves plants to spend on an orchid. Look at how much other people spend on their hobbies!! Spending $40 on something that will make you happy is worth it!!

(My mom-in-law loves orchids too!!)
oooooh, I think it should get named Kiko. It sounds so exotic yet the meaning is so fitting :)
Ya know, I've been thinking. A plant that can live as long as this one should prolly have a companion. You can't expect Kiko to socialize with the common perrenials the rest of his life. He needs to grow, spread his seed.....propagate!
I think it's a cool looking flower but I can't imagine trying to take care of something like that.

If you go out of town for awhile do you have to get a neighbor to spritz it? ....or can you take it to a kennel?

You know, the first year I was traveling for this job, Rusty was supposed to take care of all my plants. It was a really hot week I was gone and he forgot to water them for a couple of days. They were all but dead when I got back.

The only answer would be to take Kiko with us on our vacations. ;)

Oh and Q, I got a lead from someone that I can get cheap Orchids at Trader Joe's which is a health food store. I know there's one by here, but I don't know where. I might just be forced to stop by. :D
By all means GO!

Trader Joe's has good prices on great food that you won't see at your regular grocery store. Not to mention the bargains on tasty beer, wine, and liquor.

...couldn't tell you about the flowers though.
I knew they were country wide but so many people I mentioned them to don't know about them! Cool to see someone else knows. I have one by work and stop in every once in a while. They sell these chocolate cookies that are shaped like cats that are amazingly addictive.

Last time I was in there, I found these huge green coffee cups that matched one that I had at home. I was so happy, I bought a set of 5.

We spent so much time in the clothes store today (Rusty needed a pair of dress pants) that I was anxious to get home and didn't stop at Trader Joe's. I hate shopping. I just want to go in, get what I want, and get out. Anyway, not only did I find what I wanted-Timberland boots-but I found them in GREEN SUEDE, and on sale!! Marked down from $70.00 to $40.00. I was freakin. Who am I kidding, I'm still freakin. :D
Q said:
Ya know, I've been thinking. A plant that can live as long as this one should prolly have a companion. You can't expect Kiko to socialize with the common perrenials the rest of his life. He needs to grow, spread his seed.....propagate!

Lucky plant!! :hump: :headbang:

I'm debating whether to stop by Trader Joe's or just wait till the Orchid show at the NY Botanical Gardens, starting March 1st. The prices at the NYBG are probably going to be more, but they'll have a wider selection, I'm sure.

I should be good and wait.

Should. ;)
oh, you KNOW I won't just peek at them. I'll come home with at least one, especially if the prices are as low as I've been told.

ooooh man, decisions decisions...
Ku'u, I don't know if you're still reading this thread but I just read something interesting.... When an orchid grows a second 'branch', it's called a Keiki. According to my gardening message board FAQ:

Keiki's are baby orchids which grow off a flower spike or a pseudo-bulb. The word keiki is Hawaiian for "little one" or baby.

That's cool. Orchids always made me think of Hawai'i in the first place, now I see the some of the terminology is Hawai'ian also! :D

By the way, how do you pronounce it? Kiki?