A Sad Day in Iraq...

Inkara1 said:
If he's twitching because he's dead, then there should be no problem with putting a bullet in his head just to be sure.

if you want the truth I would agree with that to some extent
Gonz said:
TD...until you have one shred of evidence that these illegal combatants in Iraq, or anywhere for that matter, are anything but war criminals, STFU. They habitually break the GC. It's in their code.

nice try but sorry. its up to YOU as a member of a "civilized" country engaged in warfare to prove that every single arab you run accross is apparently a war criminal. dont give me this crap about them automatically being guilty until I prove them innoncent. freakin hypocrite. you dont abandon the Geneva Convention because your enemy doesnt follow its rules. you follow it because its the right thing to do.

Don't ever compare the US Military to the Nazi filth of Germany. My father in law was a German POW. I'm quite aware of their attrocities. I'm unaware of any attrocities committed under order for the US.

Oh well then maybe you missed that bit i just said about one Lieutenant Colonel Robert S McNamara (remember him?) who under the leadership of infamous General Curtis LeMay firebombed to death upwards of 1 million Japanese civilians including 100,000 in one night alone. McNamara himself said he considered that act alone to be a "war crime" of the heighest magnitude. His words not mine. So let me ask you if General "Chemical" Ali had managed to set off a giant serin bomb in fort wayne one night killing 100,000 american citizens you wouldnt be screaming to the rafters for his criminal hide?

Now if you are quite done with your "how dare you" atitude here in regards to war crimes then maybe youll also note i never actually condemned these acts. Just layed them out there. I even said you could make some justification for them. which i ALSO said about shooting the injured insurgent. Yet Im told to shut the fuck up and dont ever talk about americans commiting attrocities in response? real nice one gonz.
Oh my. What a shock. Who'd have thunk it. I'm amazed. Wow-wee, what a surprise.

Kevin Sites, the NBC cameraman who shot video of the controversial shooting of a Fallujah insurgent by a U.S. Marine, is an anti-war activist whose photographs of Iraqi prisoners are featured on at least one anti-war website.

Sites was embedded with the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment in Fallujah when he shot the video of the Marine shooting an injured enemy fighter in a mosque. From the dialogue on the footage, it appeared the Marines were unsure if the insurgent was dead or faking death. Some fighters in Iraq have feigned death only to pull out a weapon or blow themselves up to kill Americans.

Images Against War is one website where Sites' photography appears, giving two separate pages to his work. One of the pages, labeled "Kevin Sites 2," features photos of captured Iraqis with one caption saying detainees on a truck were enduring "a long ride into uncertainty." Most of the photos featured on the site engender sympathy toward U.S. enemy fighters and antipathy toward American military personnel.

all media does have a bias. While the story is true and I stand by what I said it is good to know the side we got was anti war. I would like to hear from the Marine though and see what he has tosay
oh puleeeze! dead people do move, they even sit up, they sometimes gasp for air and what-not for quite some time after death.

I saw my own thumb twitching on the ground once.

As for as the GC goes; weren't they in a mosque? A Sanctuary????? I dunno the USMJC, never read it, ...but seems to me that they were breaking the GC rules by using it as a combat position.

Marine Lance Cpl. Jeramy Ailes, 22, of Gilroy was killed Monday in Al-Fallujah by small arms fire.

``They had finished mopping up in Fallujah and they went back to double-check on some insurgents. From what we gathered, somebody playing possum jumped up and shot him,'' said his father, Joel Ailes, who learned of his death Monday evening. ``It's extremely hard.''


If he wasn't surrender'n, he's a likely canidate IMHO. Cousin was prolly dead anywhoo.

Otta' let the camera guys check the bodies, give the guys with guns a good laugh.
What are you talking about now? that just sounds idiotic. what I said is based off the nerves just reacting on their impluses.
Certainly court martial for shooting enemy combatants
is the best way to boost troop morale.

Oh Winklestein, you're so dagnabbit silly sometimes ... you know the US soldiers are the enemy here. Who cares about their moral when we have the fine lines of combat etiquette to worry about with people that kill themselves in wonderous ways just kill one of the good-guys.

freako104 said:
What are you talking about now? that just sounds idiotic. what I said is based off the nerves just reacting on their impluses.
Yeah it may sound funny, but it does happen. -talk to a 'scraper' sometime.

(my bad, spellun')
Thulsa Doom said:
nice try but sorry. its up to YOU as a member of a "civilized" country engaged in warfare to prove that every single arab you run accross is apparently a war criminal. dont give me this crap about them automatically being guilty until I prove them innoncent. freakin hypocrite. you dont abandon the Geneva Convention because your enemy doesnt follow its rules. you follow it because its the right thing to do.

Nice try, but if you're being fired upon, you fire back. That's all the proof you need. If they have bigger guns, you call in an airstrike, and flatten the building. It's not pretty, and it's not nice, but it's not supposed to be. Too many people have this idea in their heads that war is supposed to be civilized. It's not. They also see the pictures of 'smart bombs' dropping down chimneys, and taking out just one building while leaving the other buildings in the area undamaged. Depends upon the distance between buildings. They think that, when shown that the enemy has superior firepower, that people will immediately surrender, throwing down their arms and raising their hands. we have things like the Geneva Convention, the Laws Of Armed Conflict and the Rules Of Engagement, not to prevent war crimes, but to punish war crimes when the war is over. Now guess who get's to prosecute those war crimes? That's right...the ones who win the war. Of course, they're going to minimize their crimes and maximize the enemies, and only a few on either side is going to be honest about how their side acted.

TD said:
Oh well then maybe you missed that bit i just said about one Lieutenant Colonel Robert S McNamara (remember him?) who under the leadership of infamous General Curtis LeMay firebombed to death upwards of 1 million Japanese civilians including 100,000 in one night alone. McNamara himself said he considered that act alone to be a "war crime" of the heighest magnitude. His words not mine. So let me ask you if General "Chemical" Ali had managed to set off a giant serin bomb in fort wayne one night killing 100,000 american citizens you wouldnt be screaming to the rafters for his criminal hide?

Talk about your hypocrisy.

1. McNamara was the one who started all that trouble with war crimes in Vietnam, wasn't he? Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. While no person is completely free of blame when it comes to an actual war, McNamara is the last person I'd use in a quote disparaging anybody elses 'war crimes'...especially when that quote was used during his defense of actions during the Vietnam war.
2. Comparing WWII with the wars being fought today is a big stretch, even for you, TD. Warfare today is (I hate this phrase) much more 'efficient'. The amount of civilian deaths attributed to actual warfare is exponentially smaller than in WWII.

TD said:
Now if you are quite done with your "how dare you" atitude here in regards to war crimes then maybe youll also note i never actually condemned these acts. Just layed them out there. I even said you could make some justification for them. which i ALSO said about shooting the injured insurgent. Yet Im told to shut the fuck up and dont ever talk about americans commiting attrocities in response? real nice one gonz.

Speak your piece. Some will listen, some will ignore, and some will go out and do the exact opposite of what you say. :shrug: What is upsetting is not the message, but how the message is delivered. If I send you a singing telegram telling you that your father died, along with a box of chocolates and a stripper, I'm quite sure you'd be upset. If I sent a bouquet of flowers to the funeral home, you'd still be upset, but you would acknowledge my sympathetic overture.
Severed limbs can and do twitch. For proof, fry up a skillet of frog legs sometime.

Damn, I got to mention frog legs twice already on this site. Y'all makin' me hungry! :wink2:
SouthernN'Proud said:
Severed limbs can and do twitch. For proof, fry up a skillet of frog legs sometime.

Damn, I got to mention frog legs twice already on this site. Y'all makin' me hungry! :wink2:
SouthernN'Proud said:
Severed limbs can and do twitch. For proof, fry up a skillet of frog legs sometime.

Damn, I got to mention frog legs twice already on this site. Y'all makin' me hungry! :wink2:

you don't have to fry 'em up to get that reaction...though if you do...they make for good eatin' afterwards :D

Having visited the ConU human bio lab, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that a human body will twitch, exhale, and yes (as RM said it) even sit up.
In one case...scaring the shit outta me. And these were 'old' cadavers used for medical experimentation.

I mean...DAMN!! just damn!
Nice try, but if you're being fired upon, you fire back. That's all the proof you need.

this I agree with. It is the ones that arent firing that are killed or taken that I dont like.(if they are not armed. If they are then I would say be cautious)
freako104 said:
this I agree with. It is the ones that arent firing that are killed or taken that I dont like.(if they are not armed. If they are then I would say be cautious)

Like I also said...most people have this 'Hollywood' idea of war, where the good guys never make mistakes, the bad guys never cheat and always surrender. It doesn't help when everyone is second-guessing the man with his boots on the ground taking fire, but this one case, even I have to agree with the wrongness of the action.
MrBishop said:
you don't have to fry 'em up to get that reaction...though if you do...they make for good eatin' afterwards :D

Having visited the ConU human bio lab, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that a human body will twitch, exhale, and yes (as RM said it) even sit up.
In one case...scaring the shit outta me. And these were 'old' cadavers used for medical experimentation.

I mean...DAMN!! just damn!

Two words "Medulla Oblongata.
From all I've been taught, when the brain is dead, that is dead.
Parts severed from the "Medulla" they do not move.
I'd have to see it to believe it. :nerd:
when a person is dead the "Medulla" is dead.
If in question; choose on the side of caution.

I wouldn't question his choice to shoot the guy unless I knew he he did something. Its being investigated, let it happen. Seem he has already been convicted by many. Personally, I'd've lost the tape if I had filmed it.


Time for you to make choice, and you have to live with it. Don't come back whining that you chose wrong.

**This involves the reduction in velocity of metal projectiles, by means of biological mass. (graphic images)

So to quote Morphius ....

[font=Courier New,Courier,monospace]You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.[/font]

[font=Courier New,Courier,monospace]You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe.[/font]

Red - you see where this guy was. ----- Blue - you get to pretend you know things.

Click your pic to make your choice, ....Choose wisely.
