I just skim read the whole constitution, and nowhere did I find that it is meant to indicate what the goverment can or can not do. :shrug:

So it can either be taken as what it can do, or as what it can't do.
chcr said:
No you're not. That's the way it's supposed to be here although it rarely works out that way.

What's scary is that the other is probably what they teach kids in school these days.

I think that our system is based on: What you can not do, what you have the right to do, and what is your obligation to do. Everything not covered under those 3 is allowed.
Luis G said:
I just skim read the whole constitution, and nowhere did I find that it is meant to indicate what the goverment can or can not do. :shrug:

It is the be all & end all of the federal government. Each article clearly outlines the rules & extent of the power granted to that branch, by the people.

Luis G said:
I thought it was smarter to have a law system along the lines of:
if it isn't forbidden, then it is allowed. Of course I might be wrong.

That is how it works. If somebody gets their panties in a knot, they can petition the government to fix the problem. If the people tell their representatives to drop it, it's supposed to be dropped. We've been asleep for damn near 80 years-with a few monents of clear lucidity.
Gonz said:
It is the be all & end all of the federal government. Each article clearly outlines the rules & extent of the power granted to that branch, by the people.

But does the constution states specifically that the goverment *only* has the powers granted by the constitution?
Luis G said:
But does the constution states specifically that the goverment *only* has the powers granted by the constitution?

No. But it also doesn't say that the government has any powers not granted by the Constitution. People have been arguging over it for over 200 years.
Altron said:
No. But it also doesn't say that the government has any powers not granted by the Constitution. People have been arguging over it for over 200 years.

And with enough reason. If what you say is true, your constitution is incomplete.
Luis G said:
And with enough reason. If what you say is true, your constitution is incomplete.

How is it incomplete? It says exactly what the government can and can not do.
Luis G said:
you just made my day!!! :lol:

Erm, how so?

First post I said that the Constitution does not say that federal government hs any powers not granted by the Constitution.

Second post I said that the Constitution says what the federal government can and cannot do.

Both of these things are true. The Constitution says what powers the federal government has, what powers the federal government does not have, and any powers not mentioned are assumed that the federal government does not have.
Altron said:
How is it incomplete? It says exactly what the government can and can not do.

It limits the powers of each branch by specifying the available more.
Altron said:
Erm, how so?
Both of these things are true. The Constitution says what powers the federal government has, what powers the federal government does not have, and any powers not mentioned are assumed that the federal government does not have.

Keyword: assumed.
Luis G said:
Keyword: assumed.

Of the people, by the people, for the people. If the people would only wake up & stop re-electing nit-wits we could take back our government.
Yeah, but it is still incomplete, is it not?

Having an assumption above the power of the constitution is, to say the least, silly.
There's a little legroom for things not mentioned in the constitution, see federalists vs. dem reps. It's the Supreme Court's job to decide things inside that legroom.
Again, it's a combined effort. Executive, Legislative & Judicial-3 equal branches, each providing checks & balances over the other two, none having more power than another. The power & limits of each is clealry defined by the Constitution.

Add to that the 50 states, each having approximately the same setup as the federal. They control their little kingdom with limited (albeit growing) influence & demand from the Federal. The states are abandoning their individual sovereignty from the federal in exchange for increased federal funding.

The system is sick but not dead.
I know the states have been strong-armed into making State laws that the Feds want to be Fed laws but can't because of the Constitution. I'm sure Gonz knows exactly what they are.
aw hell Gonz back off
if the states were allowed to behave the way the paper sez
187 would have been enforced
beanners would be getting shot by the national guard long the AZ border
and whatever redneck state S&P lives in would have outlawed abortion
we need the liberal hand of Washington DC to guide U.S. or there would be
anarchy, cats and dogs living together!
Winky said:
we need the liberal hand of Washington DC to guide U.S. or there would be anarchy,

Liberal guidence? That's an oxi-moron. If Kennedy was not an elected senator he would be detailing cars in the parking garage...