Abortion - the social dilema


Well-Known Member
Abortion - it's a fairly small word with HUGE implications and an ongoing war in offices, on the streets, in churches and in Government...Time to bring it to OTC.

Abortion is currently legal...it falls to the rights of the woman over her own body. The foetus is not considered a full-human being until the 3rd trimester and thus has no rights under the law.

The Right-to-life people will tell you that it's murder most foul.
The Right-to-choice people will say that it's protecting the woman's rights to choose the foetus' fate.

I say that the two are not necessarily opposites. I am a pro-life, right-to-choice advocate. It's wierd, non?

What do you feel about the topic?
Man, you're really tryin to open up all these cans o worms arentcha? :D

I'd respond but I will refrain to protect my sanity. :)
I don't personally think I could make that decision, but then I'm also at a point in my life where I don't have to. I think it should remain an option, but with limitations. If a woman is using it for birth control, they should be forced to go on birth control of some other means, whether that means injections, or even in drastic cases, sterilization. I could not see forcing a woman or more likely a girl to have a child that she didn't want.
Sorry guys...I just like peeling back the band-aids to see if it still hurts...perhaps, we should drop this one and go for something slightly less painful?:confuse2:
I'm pro-life and pro-choice. I wouldn't be in favor of having one if I was some how involved in the situation, and I would argue in favor of some other alternative. However, if I'm not to blame or some how involved I'm ok with what other people would choose. For me, I would have problems, but for others, if they can live with themselves, that's all that matters. I couldn't, so in that sense I'm against it. But, I won't try to make the choice for others. If they would go this route, then either they know they couldn't be a proper parent, aren't in a position to be a proper parent, or just don't want the responsibility. In any of these cases, probably abortion is the better choice, assuming they are unwilling to carry it to term and put the child up for adoption.
MrBishop said:
Sorry guys...I just like peeling back the band-aids to see if it still hurts...perhaps, we should drop this one and go for something slightly less painful?

Bish its allright. this is a sensitive subject and can and will garner hard feelings like the ones you saw in the threads.
Well...I can deal with that. What I'm after with this site is intellectual discussion...if it goes over the edge and into OT territory, so be it. If I get sworn at, so be it...etc...

I want to use my brain, 'cause I sure ain't using it IRL (at work anyway) :)
MrBishop said:
I say that the two are not necessarily opposites. I am a pro-life, right-to-choice advocate. It's wierd, non?

no, I don't think it's weird at all ...

As for my opinion, let's just say I don't believe I have the right to tell anyone - man or woman - what to do with their bodies or their families or their lives ... would I have an abortion? Can't say 100% if I would or not. But then again, that's my business ... and no one elses.
i figured this when thinking what i would do if my other half got knocked up. i had the right to a view, i had the right to express that view but i had no say. at the end of the day my wants or wishes are supplanted by hers.
her feeling to keep or terminate a pregnancy is ultimately her decision. if i disagree with that decision then i must move on, there is no good made in making a big deal about it over and over.
Gonz said:
Your husband has no say?
Thats right nalani, does the father of your child have no fucking say at all?

nalani said:
that's my business ... and no one elses.
Right, just like whether I want to murder someone is my decision and no one elses. :rolleyes:
Jeslek said:
Right, just like whether I want to murder someone is my decision and no one elses.
Well, if you're smart, it's just between you and the person you're going to try to kill.