After V-Tech they didn't learn a damned thing

no but the attitude in your posts lately tells that you're starting to feel like yourself again, so presumably you're doing well against the hep these days. so i guess that's good...

I have yet to be in distress with the HCV. It was found during another procedure. I still haven't started Interferon treatments due to a comedy of errors; and I still do not know the result of the liver biopsy. Hopefully, all of that will change on Dec. 30.'re thinking that the only thing that's stopping the GVT from taking over completely and stomping all over everyone's human rights is that the common man owns guns... ya know, Jim...that's by and far one of the longest stretches of the imagination that I've had the chance to read in decades. Maybe your Rambo headband is on a bit too tightly.

The right to arms was the guarantee the Founders bestowed upon the people of the United States to give them the tools to stop government tyranny should it occur. So if that is true, as the writings of the Founders will attest, why is that same government so anxious to remove arms from the hands of the people? Please answer that query.

Even if the jews had had guns in the late 30's, the end result would've been the same. What they lacked was the ability to spread the news of their plight and what the Nazi gvt was doing to the outside world. Welcome to the modern age, Jim..where hiding affronts for human rights are far harder (effectively impossible) to hide, especially in the 1st world.

I would be willing to bet that you do not know who this person is, his name, his history, or his accomplishments at twenty-four years of age.


You don't need guns to protect yourself from the potential for evil overlords, Jim. The ballot box is your weapon and the internet is your clarion call to arms.

You assume that the ballot box will still exist. If the government makes a power grab and starts abrogating rights, liberties, and property they will also negate the vote.

I will again be willing to lay money on your lack of knowledge of when the last armed uprising against the government occurred here in the United States. Ironic that it was due to the government confiscating the ballot box.'re thinking that the only thing that's stopping the GVT from taking over completely and stomping all over everyone's human rights is that the common man owns guns...


Every nation that has their gun ownership rights surrendered have fallen to a fascist.

Every nation that has their gun ownership rights surrendered have fallen to a fascist.

And you are assuming that because there should be a limit as to who can own fire-arms (criminals and the insane), that this means that everyone's guns are to be taken away from them?

The Brits have fallen to a fascist? *One of the strictest gun laws in the world.
Australia? Brasil? Japan? Mexico? Canada? There are dozens more.

All of these have gun-control laws that would make most Americans faint at the thought... none of them is fascist. The 3 that I can think of would be Germany (Nazi), China and The Soviet Union...during Stalin.
And you are assuming that because there should be a limit as to who can own fire-arms (criminals and the insane), that this means that everyone's guns are to be taken away from them?

I'm assuming that because the government is keeping records, they want to know where to start.

You might want to re-read that piece about WW2 era Brits before defending their non-fascist state.
Slaves don't have guns.

Hell yeah lets' get that gun registry thing a goin' on.
Make tens of millions of Americans gun criminals.
We are all property of the government now anyway.

Kneel down in awe of the anointed one.