All Hail the Karma Queen

unclehobart said:
*a dingy, heavily bearded, shadow of a man stands under a lonely street lamp. He pulls up his tattered Mackie to ward off the cold. He absently scratches his nose in an attempt to distract from his fractured memories and internal sorrow. He mutters under his nicotine tainted rum breath ... 'I was famous once... They used to bow and cheer to my name. Alas... I have become the dust of yesteryear.'
I can't believe how much karma I got for that one post. I should be a sicko self-kicking poet more often.
unclehobart said:
I can't believe how much karma I got for that one post. I should be a sicko self-kicking poet more often.

it's well written, artistic

of course itn eht real worls they would have gone clockwork orange on you
paul_valaru said:
it's well written, artistic

of course itn eht real worls they would have gone clockwork orange on you
what exactly do you mean by that...there are many scenes in that book that would not be so unbearable...or are you thinking of the bum they kick the bejesus out of?
unclehobart said:
I can't believe how much karma I got for that one post. I should be a sicko self-kicking poet more often.
...and mentioning it got me even more. I wonder how much I can kick this dead horse? *rattles cup

*approaches the cauldron of karma in the Dickensian sweatshop with bowl in hand ... Please, sir ... May I have some more?
Unc, are you telling us you have a strange fascination with beating dead, flacid, kaput, not working anymore animals, just for the sake of sucking every last drop from the poor thing?
Something including ball-gags, rubber bodysuits, haemostats on the nipples, a cricket bat for some fanny whacking, 3 flavors of lubricant, 2 videocameras, a shetland pony named 'Big Dave', a shower massager, a dildo that more closely resembles a canister of tennis balls, handcuffs, a riding crop covered in emu feathers, a stack of dogeared 1978 Penthouse magazines, amiyl nitrate in a little box that says 'break in case of orgy', a webcam in the bidet, a large box of varied leather novelties, and an autographed copy of the Story of O ... unless you have something kinky in mind.
OOH! popcorn....pop a squat MAT! promises to be an interesting show...can't wait to see what varied leather novelties there are!
hope you like real butter and salt? think this might be good, I sense we're about to watch real professionals here, or at the very least, passionate amateurs ;)