All you danged furrennurs look in here, please.

Clarissa said:
Well, all i can tell you is this, Justin puts BBQ sauce or Ketchup on EVERYTHING.

nothing wrong with that, if i eat a large french fries (chips to you foreign weirdos), i'll go through about 6 of those little cups of ketchup, anything on a bun gets an extra cup
Clarissa said:
Well, all i can tell you is this, Justin puts BBQ sauce or Ketchup on EVERYTHING.

isn't that what ALL brits do? after they either boiled the food or put it in the oven? :D
You have a very old fashioned idea of what we do with our food. Our favourite national dish is Chicken Tikka Masala.

Personally I usually eat italian, french, mexican or indian meals, sometimes chinese but rarely "english". As for putting BBQ sauce and ketchup on it... yuk! That's for people who don't know what decent food is... :p ;)