Allah save the Queen

highwayman said:
What about our servicemen in the area? There is bound to be a bible in the group somewere...

Yeah, but they're also carrying guns. It's amazing how people can overlook little offensive things under the threat of superior firepower.
BeardofPants said:
Yeah, if we spent more time fucking, and less time offending some stupid sod's religion, the world would be a better place.

If people took the time to get laid they wouldnt be so pent up. Sadly they wont be able to get laid so they take the time to bitch.

Piggy banks 'offend UK Muslims'
October 24, 2005 - 6:44PM

British banks are banning piggy banks because they may offend some Muslims.

Halifax and NatWest banks have led the move to scrap the time-honoured symbol of saving from being given to children or used in their advertising, the Daily Express/Daily Star group reports here.

Muslims do not eat pork, as Islamic culture deems the pig to be an impure animal.

Salim Mulla, secretary of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, backed the bank move.

"This is a sensitive issue and I think the banks are simply being courteous to their customers," he said.

Away with Crucifixes, Crosses, and Christmas
December 6, 2005

As the Muslim presence in the West grows, so do the calls to do away with long-standing insignia that retain their Christian origins. This weblog entry keeps tab on some of the more colorful demands.

>>A Muslim traffic warden, M'Hammed Azzaoui, resigned from London's Metropolitan Police Authority and threatened a racial discrimination case. He complained that the St. Edward's crown on a police badge — a symbol of the monarchy's authority since the eleventh century and the constitutional symbol of the political independence of the police — contains a tiny cross and, as a Muslim, he could not wear the symbol of another faith. In response, Deputy Commissioner Ian Blair proposed an alternative badge for Muslim officers and those of other religions

>>A Muslim provocateur, Adel Smith, a resident of Ofena, Italy, sued his son's public school to remove the crucifix in his classroom because it "bothered him." A district judge handed down a decision agreeing with Smith. "Public schools must be impartial regarding religious phenomena," he said.

>>Chief Inspector of Prisons Anne Owers forbade British prison officers from wearing a St. George's Cross tie-pin, although it is the national flag of England, due to its connection to the Crusades. Chris Doyle, director of the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, approved of the step, noting that "A lot of Muslims and Arabs view the Crusades as a bloody episode in our history," Doyle added that it was now time for England to find a new flag and a patron saint who is "not associated with our bloody past and one we can all identify with."

>>An Islamic group in Australia, the Forum on Australia's Islamic Relations wants to do away with the word Christmas, holding that the term excludes too many people in a multicultural society. Its director, Kuranda Seyit, says it's time for Australia to fall in line with the UK, where councils renamed Christmas as Winterval and refer to it adjectively as festive and winter.

>>Muslims in Russia are demanding that the cross and other Orthodox Christian symbols be removed from the Russian coat of arms. Damir Mukhetdinov, deputy head of the Spiritual Board of the Nizhny Novgorod region's Muslims, said his people's feelings are insulted because "this violates the secular nature of the state and doesn't contribute to the unity of Russia's peoples." Ali Visam Bardvil, head of the Spiritual Board of Karelia's Muslims, noted that "The cross is not a Muslim symbol. We respect the religious feeling of Christians but do not recognize the crucifixion of Christ. Therefore, in my opinion Orthodox symbols should be removed from the coat of arms to make it acceptable to all religions."

(An airline employee who asked not to be named told the Mirror: "It's outrageous that we must respect their beliefs but they're not prepared to respect ours.")
They'll respect this:

The Other One said:
(An airline employee who asked not to be named told the Mirror: "It's outrageous that we must respect their beliefs but they're not prepared to respect ours.")
OMG the christians are being persecuted and the muslims have it so easy in this country!!!

hahah :rofl4:
flavio said:
OMG the christians are being persecuted and the muslims have it so easy in this country!!!

hahah :rofl4:

So, erm - you just kinda assume that because the person works for the airline he / she must be a Christian....would that be because of their assumed proximity to heaven???
AlphaTroll said:
So, erm - you just kinda assume that because the person works for the airline he / she must be a Christian....would that be because of their assumed proximity to heaven???
I was sorta relating the initial post to the airline employee. Maybe they aren't christian though. What did you think when they said "but they're not prepared to respect ours.") ??
AlphaTroll said:
So, erm - you just kinda assume that because the person works for the airline he / she must be a Christian....would that be because of their assumed proximity to heaven???

Well, there's a myriad of different religious followings in the world - Budhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, etc etc etc......take your pick. I'm not particularly interested in asuming what people mean when they make fucked up statements.
AlphaTroll said:
Well, there's a myriad of different religious followings in the world - Budhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, etc etc etc......take your pick. I'm not particularly interested in asuming what people mean when they make fucked up statements.
You're right. Apparently it's just the Muslims that are living it up lately though according to this thread.
tell you whut
watching that on TV as a kid was freaky
them boys had some serious self-control
a goin' on thar I tell you!
flavio said:
OMG the christians are being persecuted and the muslims have it so easy in this country!!!

hahah :rofl4:

I dont tihnk the stewardess is a Christian. She might be; she might not. A number of Christians are upset that religion is being taken out of government. Though I see where you are going with that and I agree
Flav, ... let's try and simplify this for everyone. Argue me this.

These people (flight attendants, pilots, etc) are being ordered to wear muslim garb and obesrve muslim rules, and to generally not represent themselves by their own culture or religion while in "Muslim countries". That's how I'm reading the story.

But Muslims don't obesrve similar limitations when entering "christian countries".

Now the standard arguement is that case is that "it's against muslim law for them to not appear muslim. By their laws, they must do this, that and the other. Christians don't have any laws saying that they can't wear abayas or go without their crosses and St-Christopers"

So where does that leave us?