Almost time

There is a reason why when AZ bill 1070 was passed
AZ Bill 1108 was passed at the same time ;)

That was done quietly, now, wasn't it? I liked this part, also:

Brewer last week did sign a separate law that exempts guns made and kept in Arizona from federal regulation, including background checks.

That is a mirror of the Montana law which does the same thing by exempting intrastate commerce from federal regulation under the interstate commerce clause.
"exempts guns made and kept in Arizona from federal regulation"

I'm not sure most people realize just what that could mean ;)

Hmmm wow how awesome?

I've always wanted one of those!
Just because of that law, I may return to AZ.

As for the Executive Order...that might mean a return to violence. This President can't be THAT foolish.
Osama's Plan B (from outer space)

No Gonz it will go thru with far less fanfare
than was raised when they seized the medical industry
you remember than one don't ya?

I am beginning to think there is absolutely no limit to
what they can get away with.

And I think they now know it too.

Amnesty for illegals is a done deal.

What's next?
we're on the verge of civil war, and Obama and admin are contemplating pulling the trigger.

Deferred action and parole would give illegal immigrants the ability to seek a work permit and temporary legal status.

Let the illegal immigrants who are otherwise not doing anything illegal (smuggling drugs, violence, theft etc.) stay where they are as they apply for visas and permenent immigrant status, as opposed to leaving the country of being expelled while working towards their visa/immigration status.

Nah..not reasonable at all.
Bish do you actually believe any of that tripe?

Where do you live, freakin’ Canada?

Cuz I wanna tell yeah it ain’t nuthin’ like that
boots on the ground here in Arizona!

There's danged good reason the state governemnt
just legalized everyone to carry weapons!
Yeah...because AZ types are a bunch of yahoos that think that the guy cleaning their pool is also the guy importing Horse on his days off.
Can you say, with absolute certainty, that he's not? Or perhaps a child molester? Burglar? Rapist? How would you know?
Deferred action and parole would give illegal immigrants the ability to seek a work permit and temporary legal status.

Let the illegal immigrants who are otherwise not doing anything illegal (smuggling drugs, violence, theft etc.) stay where they are as they apply for visas and permenent immigrant status, as opposed to leaving the country of being expelled while working towards their visa/immigration status.

Nah..not reasonable at all.

nope, it's not reasonable at all, for the pres. to make the decisions alone.
It's LAW that these decisions go through congress, on the national level.

I've heard people say it, but I didn't want to believe it, but sure enough....
we may not see another election. (for a while at least)
Oh f'r crissakes, cato - check your meds and turn off Fox. This kind of idiotic paranoia doesn't suit you at all.
I'm just doing what the pres. wants.
He obviously Wants us to be paranoid-like. Why else would he openly employ
people to spy on their neighbors, and other family members.
I'm just doing what the pres. wants.
He obviously Wants us to be paranoid-like. Why else would he openly employ
people to spy on their neighbors, and other family members.

I know, it is crazy! First it was the communists, now it is the terrorists! I think I have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being killed by a terrorist.