Almost time

Have you actually watched Fox news? Sat down, for a few days running, and watched it?

I don't watch TV at all. No cable, no sat, no funny rabbit ears..nada. I've seen clips of Fox news events - the skew is patently obvious. Anything Obama, his administration or anyone remotely associated with the Dems party or who even speaks the word 'liberal' in a sentence is a fat target to often the most blatant character assassinations.
I don't watch TV at all. No cable, no sat, no funny rabbit ears..nada. I've seen clips of Fox news events - the skew is patently obvious. Anything Obama, his administration or anyone remotely associated with the Dems party or who even speaks the word 'liberal' in a sentence is a fat target to often the most blatant character assassinations.

I've gotta say...
that seem like are sad statement to me. :(
So will Obammie give all these beans
citizenship before before the next election
so they can all vote for him?

that's not the sad part
It's the selective clip watching.

He said he didn't watch anything, then he said he did.

I don't watch TV - for me, it's a tool used to plug the DVD player into for movies.

The clips that I mentioned are usually the ones posted here and on other chat sites to try and prove a point by the poster. Usually 3 minutes or less in length. I don't sit here and cruise YouTube for Fox or summat.

My news comes from RSS feeds from several sites..including Fox's web-site, BBC, CBC, CNN, AlJaz. etc... and the radio.
It just seems to me that to make correct judgments, one needs to more
of the context.

How many time have people use the "you're taking it out of context" argument?

imo you are more susceptible to propaganda, if you don't dig out the whole story. (and from several sources)

I guess if it fits your preconception though, and you want to believe,
you can wear the rose colored glasses if you want to.
Personally, I'm not going to bury my head in the sand like that.
(I'll not go into it farther, as I don't want to personalize anymore than I have)
Well sure iffin’ yer a naïve idiot that buys the propaganda
or a teenager that hasn’t learned anything yet
or most likely a Liberal then yeah
their might be some justification for such a position
otherwise even a blind man with two broke legs
can see what’s goin’ on.
It just seems to me that to make correct judgments, one needs to more
of the context.

How many time have people use the "you're taking it out of context" argument?

imo you are more susceptible to propaganda, if you don't dig out the whole story. (and from several sources)

Hence the reason why I see the news from multiple perspectives...some right of centre, some left, some that move the entire idea of center out of context and from different geographical locations.

Look at the same news piece from Fox v. Al Jazeera - where they intersect is the real news...everything else is opinion and/or spin. Perhaps they don't intersect much in that particular case as their scope is different.