Well-Known Member
You got some catching up to do, man: [email protected]
what are you talking about man?
turn off Fox.
update on the missing air force 17...
Have you actually watched Fox news? Sat down, for a few days running, and watched it?
I've seen clips of Fox news events - the skew is patently obvious.
I don't watch TV at all. No cable, no sat, no funny rabbit ears..nada. I've seen clips of Fox news events - the skew is patently obvious. Anything Obama, his administration or anyone remotely associated with the Dems party or who even speaks the word 'liberal' in a sentence is a fat target to often the most blatant character assassinations.
I've gotta say...
that seem like are sad statement to me.
Actually, I find that to be a good thing. Everyone should turn off the zombie box.
that's not the sad part
It's the selective clip watching.
He said he didn't watch anything, then he said he did.
It just seems to me that to make correct judgments, one needs to more
of the context.
How many time have people use the "you're taking it out of context" argument?
imo you are more susceptible to propaganda, if you don't dig out the whole story. (and from several sources)