Alright, so what?

Work: work or starve to death. No welfare and no charity.

Education: mandatory up to high-school. No home-schooling, we want individuals to develop in a society. Civism should be enforced in the early age, we also want people to grow conciously about the country, even its problems.

Health: mandatory medical insurance for everybody, wether it is state or private.

Security: better income for anyone on any type of justice department to avoid the possibility of them being bribed. Corruption of any state employee is punishable with jail.

Infrastructure: whatever it is needed.

Science: incentives and scholarships to anyone who is willing to have postgraduate studies.

Research: state funded research for projects with direct benefits for the nation.

Culture and arts: As soon as they step into elementary school, an aptitude profile will be made so they can have mandatory activities in schools up to high-school where they can develop their artistic qualities.

Foreign relations: free trade with other nations as long as they don't have a negative impact on the national corporations. No intervention on any other nation's internal affairs.

Work for foreigners: encouraged when no citizen is able to develop the work properly. Foreign researchers will be welcomed. On equal qualifications, the citizen should be choosen over the foreign.

That'd do for now.
Have to call a paramedic to draw a fluid sample. Urine or blood. Police will not draw either. And neither can be collected without consent without a judge's authorization (court order). Same rules as if you refuse a breathalizer. The difference is a cop can administer that. Refusal of a non-intrusive test is justifiable proof in the eyes of a court of guilt. Not enough to do time, without the quantatative result, but enough to pull your license.

and for the record .... I'm not pulling this outta my ass. this exact discussion took place when Canada in their marvelous obtuseness decided to decriminalize it.

Ok, I could be wrong but I think people were convicted of DUI's before the breathalizer was invented through with the roadside testing. It may be a bit harder to prove but I believe it's a surmountable obstacle.
There's no law determining the rental age. That's determined by the car rental companies themselves, and their insurance carriers. Pretty much any car rental company will gladly rent to someone under 25... but it will cost you.

No matter how many times we say this he doesn't seem to get it.
Ok, I could be wrong but I think people were convicted of DUI's before the breathalizer was invented through with the roadside testing. It may be a bit harder to prove but I believe it's a surmountable obstacle.

They were. But then, at that time, noone would have thought to sue McDonalds for having served them hot coffee either. Different times.
Maybe some kind of breathalizer that can tract the resin that sticks around in your lungs therefore your breath...I remember an old anti-smoking campaign where they had this dude breath through some cheesecloth material and it became yellowed even though he hadn't smoked in a while....but that being said, I have no idea if that was propaganda or not.
Won't track what's in the blood stream. Believe me, or look it up yourself. If there was an easy test, the cops would have it already. They don't.
Tracking what's in the blood stream won't work either as marijuana stays in the blood stream for roughly 30 days :shrug:
We are back to a roadside sobriety/agility/mental acquity test.
Tracking what's in the blood stream won't work either as marijuana stays in the blood stream for roughly 30 days :shrug:
We are back to a roadside sobriety/agility/mental acquity test.

Not exactly analogous to alcohol, is it then?
In fact, you can measure most of what it's possible to have in the bloodstream with the same test as diabetics take. It's not that big a deal either. If you fail the roadside sobriety/agility/mental acquity test you get to stick your finger in a hole where it'll be swabbed, stick and tested in less than a minute. The reason the don't do it already is because of the whiny liberals.
A blood test is illegal here, no one can force you to give your blood. :shrug:
Not exactly analogous to alcohol, is it then?

The chemicals stick around that long, not the effects.
Also, I know from experience that I would much rather be around a stoner than a drunk. It's not at all common for someone to get stoned and beat the crap out of anyone or accost anyone.
I'm curious, since we're in the process of outlawing tobacco, will marijuana smoking be allowed? If so, why?
We need to fix up election fraud along with campaign financing and the buying of elections in this country.
I'm curious, since we're in the process of outlawing tobacco, will marijuana smoking be allowed? If so, why?

I don't think outlawing tobacco is feasible. A good portion of people smoke, and doing something like making it illegal would just get drug gangs and shit involved, because most people ain't quittin' soon.

And I don't see why everyone has such a problem with it. It's not unhealthy for anybody except the smoker, and if you don't like it, don't hang out with people who smoke. Kinda easy. No need to go closer and closer to banning it. And I absolutely hate those "I'm better than you because I don't smoke" people, the ones who always tell the smokers that it's unhealthy, or purposely cough while walking past.

I don't smoke. Plenty of my friends do, and that's fine. I really don't care whether or not they smoke... except for when it was pouring rain and the guy put the window in my car down to smoke, a day after I religiously armor-all-ed the leather. It's like, given a choice between making my car wet, and making it smell like smokes, I think you can handle not smoking during the 2 minute car ride.

And it's like, they smoke a lot. All those new regulations are a PITA for 'em. And I ain't too fond of letting the gubmit say where I can and can't do something.
Ideally, people wouldn't smoke, but I don't think it's going to happen any time soon, and fascist legislation about it ain't gonna make things any better.
I'm curious, since we're in the process of outlawing tobacco, will marijuana smoking be allowed? If so, why?

You'll never outlaw smoking completely. Just as you'll never eradicate drug use completely. The "war" on drugs has purportedly been going on since the Reagan administration. I haven't seen a noticable affect. You? You can lower the incidence of drug use just as the incidence of smoking has been lowered. Do you not think it works? I think it's the only way it will ever happen. Clear the backlog in the courts and prison system and increase your tax base at once. The fact is it will never happen because to many people with bribery funds have access to lawmakers and have too large a stake in continuing the way things are.
I know that we'll never see a law banning tobacco products but outlawing its use in public & allowing the gov't to control its use in private (some places actually forbid its use at home when children are present) is close enough.