Won't track what's in the blood stream. Believe me, or look it up yourself. If there was an easy test, the cops would have it already. They don't.
You know what, it doesn't matter. It's not like driving stoned is legal now so if marijuana is legalized it doesn't change anything. If that's the only hold up then I think we're ready to legalize it.
As the law is now, a cop doesn't have to prove against any acceptable level of influence. Any use is enough use to nail a user.
OK, maybe outlawing smoking is silly but Al you're wrong when you say it doesn't affect anyone other than the smoker. Second hand smoke is unfiltered and thus has more checmicals than what the smoker's inhaling. The only issue I have with smoking with the current Ontario laws (no smoking anywhere inside except your own home/car or the home/car of someone you gives you permission and no smoking in covered patios and no smoking within a certain distance of all doors) is the cigarette butts which are all over the ground. If there was some way to prevent dirty cigarette butts everywhere I'd be content to let smokers smoke outside or in their own private homes/cars.
Essentially, if I don't have to breath it and see the reminants of it all over the ground then go for it.
A question for you Al, why didn't you just tell the guy he wasn't allowed to smoke? Noone smokes in my car, and when I get my own place noone smokes there either. When I was younger my parents used to let people smoke in our house, I always hated it. When my dad got sick smoking in the house was banned because he wasn't allowed to be around smoke and he could be given the OK to come home for a few days at any time and the house couldn't be smokey. The No Smoking has stuck everysince. Most people we know don't smoke but those who do don't smoke in our house (many of them don't even smoke in their own).
Well, today I told him that if it's raining, we need to keep the windows up, and no smoking.
He did put a cigarette on the dashboard and it dropped into the vents, hope that doesn't turn out badly.
I tried letting him smoke in my car just for the hell of it, and it didn't smell any different, so I let him. With all the windows down and the vents on full. And he blows smoke out the window, not into the car. It hasn't made a dent in the "old car smell" at all.
Your car, your lungs, your life
As long as you're willing to live in a society that has cumbustion engines, en masse, and uses energy to make stuff (inclding more energy) you will breath far more foul & harmful ingredients than a little cigarette smoke. But you do have the right to not allow it in your car or house.
I wish electric cars were mainstream,
how does electricity get made?
It can be made all sorts of ways. Solar, wind, fossil fuels, nuclear, et. Hybrids can even turn braking energy into electricity.
i'm still sayin' more nuke plants
I too would like to see more nuclear power plants in the USA. For a very considerable time though, I don't see us switching from coal fired power plants, which produce the vast majority of the nations power. And despite impressions that people have, coal fired power plants are now incredibly clean. Most emissions are reduced by about 98-99% before the exhaust is released from the stack. There really is nothing close right now that can compare to the cost effectiveness of coal fired power plants. And it's not like we're going to run out of coal anytime soon. There is enough to sustain the current power demand for hundreds of years.
So although we are burning coal to produce the electricity needed to run electric vehicles, that choice is still better than having gasoline powered vehicles. The emission standards on coal power plants are much tighter and more regulated than car emission standards. On top of that, our dependency on foreign oil is reduced.