America: Freedom to Fascism

Her back, she was playing soccer yesterday after school with some friends. She's having a hard sitting up. She might get 6-day week-end out it.
The Prof has her patched up pretty well, I've been given my orders. You can see the inflammation pretty clearly, we were concerned a little last night as her resperate and diastole wouldn't relax.

Basically, she's hurt bad enough that I have been told I can't make her make my coffee. :sad panda:
America: The last great white 'hope'.

visible inflammation in wrenched back muscles?
dang she must be in torturous pain.
ouchie supreme, what did the Prof give her?
a morphine injection? ;)
sheesh she must be in torturous pain.
You called it, Sodium Naproxen. Alternating heat and cold and some sublingual diphenhydramine to put her to sleep. Nothing heavy.

We'll just monitor her vitals and keep her down. She should be sore but moving on T-day.
I don't believe wiki...not that it matters, I'd prefer the PhD would entertain us with his thoughts, not old metaphors.

dude you haven't responded to my recent inquiries with anything other than puny tangents. at that rate, WTF do you expect?
America: Freedom is dead, long the Reich!

It’s all well and good but the IRS
has the power to virtually snuff you out.
But it is nothing compared with what the
new healthcare bureaucracy will be able to do to you.
America: Freedom to Fascism isn't our idea of fun.
