America: Freedom to Fascism

You have the right to travel, freely. You do not have the right to drive. Seperate issues.

Driving is a skill. You have a right to demonstrate the skill to receive a license to drive. The test, however, is entirely too easy.
Still is. You can't put up a 50 gazillion square foot Wal-Mart distribution center on land that you don't control. Rent is an option but not a very good one.
My wife agrees there is a considerable difference, polar differences. I guess its nomenclature, us okies us the phrase "lipstick on a pig" similarly.

The phrase "pig before swine" means that something is to grand and fine for the unwashed person. It was said by Gezus (matt?) but I believe it comes from the Talmud.
rm, I believe he referring to not casting pearls before swine, lest they turn again to rend you,
as in the teachings of Jesus.

as in no gain from trying to give knowledge, as it won't be received.
I am quite proud of my unwashed status
thank you very much!

I'll get through life just fine without joining the
'enlightened elites".
America: once the light of the world

np I'm on my third so I'm all jazzed up
say hi to the prof and the kidlets fer me willya?
weather he's right of wrong in his perceived knowledge doesn't matter about the
following applied philosophy.
It is true.

the correct response in opposition would be.
"ok, if that's what you want to believe"
the end.

rm, don't fret. These 'modes' are tough to step back from sometimes, for just
about anybody.