Sorry, that doesn't prove that there are "close ties" between them.
What? You got to be kidding.
You have 4 choices as I see it.
1. You think that the quotes by Robertson are completely reasonable and rational things for a religious leader to say. and that you see nothing wrong with them.
2. You don't think that there any any close ties between Robertson and Bush. Looks like this is the way your headed.
If that's the case just go ahead and tell me you would see nothing wrong with Obama appointing a large number of people to government offices from a single institution run by a leader knnown for saying crazy hateful things.
3. You have a double standard.
4. You actually do have a problem with Bush's ties with Robertson.
Does conservative Christianity scare you?
See, I will never give an answer that is demanded of me. Asked, maybe. But demanded?
Nice try. You've been asking plenty of questions...which I've answered. However you have continously avoided answering one question asked of you.
Instead you completely lost your temper and launched into a bunch of childish insults because you're uncomfortable with the question.
So I'll ask again, why do you think it's ok for Bush to have such close ties to someone like Robertson?