Americans sign petition to repeal the First Amendment


Well-Known Member
not me
the youngest of 3 God-children will be a teen soon.
I hope I'm out of the kid raising stuff in a few more years.

I'm Latitude = 34.2610


Well-Known Member
So a God child isn't like a Love child? ;)

Yeah my signular Gawd-like offspring
is applying to law schools.

yer still many years away from shippin' the last one out the door then?


Well-Known Member
My bros 3 offspring.
He's got problems, and is divorced now, and their mom has problems also.

slipping out the door?
I don't seem to have any luck in that area around here.
We've got....let's say a more ..semi-communal household.
Kinda like the 'Adam's Family'. :alienhuh: