America's Top Ten Driving Pet Peeves


New Member
Who can honestly say you are guilty of one or more of these...

With gas prices at an all-time high – and more Americans on the road than ever – drivers are bound to be more irritated as they get behind the wheel for a warm-weather road trip or just the daily commute to work.

The Hagerty Collector Network – the country’s leading insurance company for collector vehicles and boats – surveyed thousands of members nationwide to find out their top complaints about other drivers. Here are their "Top 10 Driving Peeves.”

1. Distracted drivers talking on cell phones (Motor Mouths)

2. Slow drivers in the fast lane (Turtle Racers)

3. Pushy drivers who tailgate (Piggybackers)

4. Drivers who weave through traffic to gain one or two car lengths (Wacky Weavers)

5. Obnoxious drivers who speed up to keep you from changing lanes (Gap Snatchers)

6. Hasty drivers who change lanes without signaling (Space Invaders)

7. Road Rage (Road Ragers)

8. Motorcyclists who race down the middle of a lane, between cars (Speed Racers)

9. Women applying makeup and men shaving (Driving Divas)

10. Drivers who leave their turn signal on for miles (Morse Coders).
I remember telling Christina one time that I shouldn't be able to read the words "Park Avenue" on the back of a Buick from inside the car, because it's in fairly small print. I told her that after she complained about someone riding her ass, when she'd rode the Buick's ass for miles.

I haven't been in the car with Valerie yet so I don't know what kind of a driver she is.
Ever notice how Inky's so much more forthcoming with the faults of his ex's than when he was trying to stay together with them?

Inky, if they're that bad .....

Of all those 10, the only one that would bother me is the 10th.
I have been a Driving Diva in the past. I saw the err in my ways and don't do it anymore. I am still a motor mouth, but it is my job. I am required to be on the road and my cell bill is 98% work...If I pulled over to have every conversation I'd never make any sales appointments. I have actually hit 5,000 minutes on my cell in one month before. What's a girl to do :shrug:

I know I know...get a wireless are STILL destracted!
My rule of thumb is to do like 1.5-1.7 times the speed limit, but I never get pass 150km/h.
Professur said:
Ever notice how Inky's so much more forthcoming with the faults of his ex's than when he was trying to stay together with them?

Inky, if they're that bad .....


I seem to remember bitching about her ass-riding habits on here before.
Hey Inky, is number 8 still legal in California? Should be legal everywhere.

Actually, I think that's the only one I've done. And only where it was legal. I'm a pretty courteous driver. Life's too short to let some asswipe get your blood pressure up.

I like Luis's speed limit rules, but in town I keep it within 5 mph.
Luis G said:
My rule of thumb is to do like 1.5-1.7 times the speed limit, but I never get pass 150km/h.

So I guess it's not so much a speed limit to you as a speed suggestion
chcr said:
Hey Inky, is number 8 still legal in California? Should be legal everywhere.

My understanding is that it's legal if traffic is moving at a speed of less than 35 mph, a traffic jam on the freeway, for example, because motorcycle engines are air-cooled.
Professur said:
So I guess it's not so much a speed limit to you as a speed suggestion

When you live in a country where the speed limits are extremely stupid and no one respects them, you just gotta do something.
Setting a good example not amongst them, tho. Don't feel bad, Luis. The speed limits here, and in the US are more than reasonable, and noone obeys them here either. In fact, if you ask enough people why, you'll hear almost as many stupid, arrogant, and ignorant responses as you do asking Quebec separatists why they want to leave Canada. I've heard everything from "I'm such a good driver yada yada" to "It's not safe to drive the limit yada yada" to "the limits aren't reasonable ... so it's civil disobedience yada yada (didn't think I'd remember that one, did ya? You know who you are)

The herd beast has spoken. Baaaaaaaaa.
Gonz said:
Did it...loved it....would do it again-twice.

And that retarded comment was brought to you by the coalition of idiots than ensure that motorcycle insurance rates are too high for anyone with a grain of sense to pay. Thank you, Mr. Statistic.
Motorcyclists are always at fault in an accident. The may not be legally liable but one who rides should never be surprised (been riding some form of motocycle since I was 6)
Gonz said:
Motorcyclists are always at fault in an accident. The may not be legally liable but one who rides should never be surprised (been riding some form of motocycle since I was 6)

I've had a full class bike license almost as long as I've had a car license. Up here, driver's ed is mandatory for motorcycles. That means that anyone riding with a quebec license and under the age of 60 has had to take training. Well the majority of the motorcycle accidents I've seen over the years were caused by driving that they were damn well taught not to do. Christ, Quebec roads wold barely qualify as paved in most civilised countries, and I still see morons on crotch rockets trying to so 160kph. Idiots splitting lanes and getting either caught up by someone performing a normal lane change, or losing traction on the painted lines. Easily 85% of all the accidents I've seen (and as a road tech, I saw enough) were the fault of bad driving (read stupid) on the part of the motorcyclist.

All that put together means that even at just shy of 40, with a perfect driving record, it'll still cost me more than $1000 to insure a 500cc Silverwing. For a 6 month driving season.

I loose out, because some puke ass retard can't figure out where his cock stops and his bike begins. Am I pissed about it? You tell me.