America's Top Ten Driving Pet Peeves

It's not just motorcycles. People find a hundred & one ways to continue doing dumb things.
hell, on an average day i run into 8 out 10 before i'm at the end of my street. that list is baseline skills for drivers around here.
Gonz said:
Motorcyclists are always at fault in an accident. The may not be legally liable but one who rides should never be surprised (been riding some form of motocycle since I was 6)
Gonz, I would agree with you 100% except for one incident. Riding up the back side of Mingus Mountain one day I got t-boned by an ass on a clapped out Moto Guzzi. I saw him coming, he looked and therefore drove straight at me. When he hit me I was off the shoulder in the sand. It was a rainy day with a lot of traffic. I was going below the speed limit, I counter steered hard to get out of his way and he came and got me anyway. The only way I could have avoided that wreck was to have stayed home. The only other get off I've ever had on the street was a direct result of trusting someone else's driving skills and that was just stupid.
I come from a long line of tailgaters. My paw is a tailgater, my grandpaw is a tailgater, I'm a tailgater. Yes I know it's annoying but I forget I'm doing it until a passenger says "you are pretty close to that car there". Oh yeah, I guess I am.
Professur said:
The speed limits here, and in the US are more than reasonable, and noone obeys them here either.

Over here, they expect you to do 40km/h on a 5-lane freeway. You just gotta love stupidity.
Professur said:
So I guess it's not so much a speed limit to you as a speed suggestion
Prof, I've driven in Mexico. They treat traffic signals as a suggestion.
Guilty of #5 big time. If you can't plan and get in the proper lane like the rest of us back when it wasn't an issue, I'm not going to let you in now that we're all bunched up in line at the light. Unless yu're sporting out of state tags, you're a local and ought to know better. Want to cut in front of me so you don't have to turn the other way and then U-turn? Fuck off, jerk. Next time, wait like everyone else.

Around here, we call 'em cheaters, and I'm absolutely fucking merciless. Hit me, I need the money.
Gonz said:
Motorcycle hitting motorcycle. Not on a track. Now that is funny.
I actually know another person this happened to. :shrug: If you ride all the time, sooner or later I guess you see everything.
HomeLAN said:
Guilty of #5 big time. If you can't plan and get in the proper lane like the rest of us back when it wasn't an issue, I'm not going to let you in now that we're all bunched up in line at the light. Unless yu're sporting out of state tags, you're a local and ought to know better. Want to cut in front of me so you don't have to turn the other way and then U-turn? Fuck off, jerk. Next time, wait like everyone else.

Around here, we call 'em cheaters, and I'm absolutely fucking merciless. Hit me, I need the money.

Will you stop copying me. People are gonna start thinking one, or both of us, is a bot.
chcr said:
Gonz, I would agree with you 100% except for one incident. Riding up the back side of Mingus Mountain one day I got t-boned by an ass on a clapped out Moto Guzzi. I saw him coming, he looked and therefore drove straight at me. When he hit me I was off the shoulder in the sand. It was a rainy day with a lot of traffic. I was going below the speed limit, I counter steered hard to get out of his way and he came and got me anyway. The only way I could have avoided that wreck was to have stayed home. The only other get off I've ever had on the street was a direct result of trusting someone else's driving skills and that was just stupid.
I'm just curious what the poor bastard looked like when it was over. If I coulda stood, I woulda been whipping some ass.
PT said:
I'm just curious what the poor bastard looked like when it was over. If I coulda stood, I woulda been whipping some ass.
His girlfriend (she was on the back) was already doing that so I didn't bother. :D
They put Atlanta in the top 5?!

I think we can discount that survey, then. 70% of drivers here have a cell phone glued to their ear, providing plenty of distraction as they weave through traffic. I've gone weeks without seeing turn signals used.
HL, I told ya. Atlanta drivers are pussycats compared to the rest of the farm animals on the road. Sorry, pal. they just aren't that bad. Maybe it's just you?
Possible, but unlikely, given what I hear from everyone else on the subject.

Seriously, I counted the drivers coming through the intersection at Bentley Road last evening. 17/24 were yacking on their cell phones. Of those 17, 12 cut the shit out of the corner. 2 barely missed my front bumper - and I was well behind the wihite line.

Another typical Atlanta commute.
"Mean Drivers Suck"

3. Pushy drivers who tailgate (Piggybackers)

They get tired of looking at my "I may be slow, but I'm in front of you" bumper sticker and eventually pass me just to prove me wrong. Works like a charm.

5. Obnoxious drivers who speed up to keep you from changing lanes (Gap Snatchers)

When I first read this I thought it defined the person who was trying to take the gap. A Gap Snatcher.

Haven't they ever heard of the "3 car lengths for every 10 mph" rule of thumb? Those gaps are there for a reason: Safety. If I let them in, I enable them to become a Piggybacker. :shrug:
Professur said:
HL, I told ya. Atlanta drivers are pussycats compared to the rest of the farm animals on the road. Sorry, pal. they just aren't that bad. Maybe it's just you?

They are, the worst I have seen have been in the Northeast....