An Inconvenient Truth


Well-Known Member
My Democrat friend talked me into watching it...

Well, not so much watching it, as going out for dinner with a few people then watching a movie. My vote was for The Propisition but we ended up picking the Gore 2008 Campaign Advertisement.

On the plus side, I was happily surprised to find out that it was not, as I expected, a Flavio-esque complete rip of the current administration.

However, I felt it was lacking in showing a solution to Global Warming. It was just 'This is what global warming is, this is why it's happening, we need to get rid of it or bad shit will happen'

There was very little finger pointing, and it was mostly towards corporate lobbyists, so it was the good kind of finger pointing. IMHO, there are too many coroprate lobbyists and not enough people lobbying for regular people.

The movie got a little heavy with graphs and statistics, but it wasn't that bad.

So, I'm wondering what the usual ultra-conservative nutjobs here think on the issue. Gonz, let me know why the damn liberals are ruining the American people. Flavio, let me know why global warming is directly caused by Bush being elected.
There's one problem with all of this.

Gore is trying to convince people that global warming exists and that we can stop it. No shit, global warming exists. That's what takes the world out of ice ages. The real question is whether humans have caused it. My opinion is that our impact can be compared to rolling a ball down a hill vs. rolling a ball down a hill covered in oil. It sure doesn't slow things down, but it's questionable just how much it really pushes it along.
Anyone see the special on Discovery about the last days of Krakatoa? IMHO, a lot of the acellerated warming they're seeing is us still recovering from the dust blasted into the atmosphere from that bad boy.
Altron said:
it was lacking in showing a solution to Global Warming

Time. This has happened many times before & we weren't around for any of them (What stopped the ice age?)

ultra-conservative nutjobs
Bite me snowblower boy.
If there is "global warming" then why did I need to run my furnace this morning? Global warming my freezing ass, this is the middle of June...Talk to the people that live in Phoenix or El Paso about global warming when the AC is broke down...
blower boi
U don rally believe in globular warmin'

do ya?

C'Mon it was yer Mommy that put that money under yer pillow
and it was Daddy that put that shiny new bike
under the Christmas tree
and Gawd din make little green apples
and it don't rain in Indianapolis

in the summertime

aw crud he’s too young to know that song

oh well
Look, I wanted to see the Propisition. My friends didn't. I got out-voted.

Gonz, when I call you an ultraconservative psychopathic nutjob, it's with nothing but kindness and friendship.

So, it would seem, the consensus is that Al Gore is full of shit. I kind of caught on to it.

He had this one chart going back 650,000 years. The temperature would be very low, then it would increase rapidly, then slowly go down to about halfway between the hottest then the coldest, then drop off to the coldest, where it would say for awhile, the whole thing taking about 100,000 years and repeating itself. Gore pulls up a graph that shows us at the same level as the hot parts, which just happens to be a very high increase after the last ice age. I was like 'So? Just means that it's going to get colder for 75,000 years then we'll have another ice age. Whoopity fuckin' doo."

I'm really excited to see who runs in 2008. It looks like Hillary and Gore both want the Democrat nomination. I hope McCain gets the Republican nomination.
Altron said:
It looks like Hillary and Gore both want the Democrat nomination. I hope McCain gets the Republican nomination.

Why would McPain get the (R) nod? He's been a (D) since South Carolina.
Altron said:
Gonz, when I call you an ultraconservative psychopathic nutjob, it's with nothing but kindness and friendship.

What has amazed me for years is that seemingly intelligent people can look at all this data and completely ignore the obvious conclusion that this has happened before and will continue to happen long after we're gone.
The best, and most intelligent, discourse of Global Warming was "After the Warming" by James Burke. Your local library might have it ... or you can call your local PBS station and nag them for a while to get it on.
Professur said:
The best, and most intelligent, discourse of Global Warming was "After the Warming" by James Burke. Your local library might have it ... or you can call your local PBS station and nag them for a while to get it on.
Sorry. I kind of like James Burke and have enjoyed the "Connections" series (some of the connections and conclusions were unwarranted IMHO but I see where he gets them) but "After the Warming" is strictly a "THE END IS NEER" piece. I found it quite biased.
I agree. But it was the first, and IMO still the only, discourse that attempts to address the issue with a global eye to cause-effect. Everyone else simply looks at X as a cause of green house gas ... which leads to global warming.