Anchor babies are bankrupting California


Well-Known Member
They come here for the free money. They have their kids here and they get still more money. They do not come here to assimilate.


The children of illegal aliens (anchor babies) have bankrupted the state of California

January 20, 3:57 AM
Immigration Reform Examiner
Dave Gibson

In 2009, San Bernardino County spent $64 million providing welfare benefits to U.S.-born children of illegal aliens.

According to county records, during a typical month, close to 15,000 offspring of illegal aliens received either welfare payments or food stamps in 2009. Over 11,000 of those children received both forms of assistance.

Assemblyman Steve Knight, R-Palmdale, told the San Bernardino Sun: "This is a huge burden on our state. Obviously, these kids are U.S. citizens and that's fine. But when you look at it, these parents should have never been here in the first place."

Raymond Herrera, founder and president of We The People California's Crusader, said: "The American people are fed up with illegal aliens depleting our tax dollars by overrunning our schools, our hospitals and our welfare system."

While $64 million more than the county can afford particularly during the current deep recession, it is but a drop in the bucket, when you consider what the entire state of California is paying-out to ‘anchor babies’ and their illegal alien parents.

In August 2009, Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich made public the staggering amount which the taxpayers spend on illegal aliens, living in L.A. County. Last June alone, the county paid out $48 million to the children of illegal aliens, an increase of $10 million over June 2007.

$26 million of that total came in the form of food stamps, while another $22 million was given to the illegal alien families in welfare checks.

Assuming that June was a typical month for 2009, Los Angeles County spent nearly $600 million on those two programs last year alone. That is in addition to the more than $1 billion that the county spends annually on the medical treatment, education, emergency services, and incarceration of illegal aliens.

These figures explain why not only L.A. County, but the entire state of California are now in financial ruin. Supervisor Michael Antonovich told reporters that illegal aliens continue to have a “catastrophic impact on Los Angeles County taxpayers.”

In 2003, the American Southwest saw 77 hospitals enter bankruptcy due to unpaid medical bills incurred by illegal aliens. A staggering 84 hospitals in California alone, have been forced to close their doors because of the growing crisis. Hospitals which manage to remain open, pass the unpaid costs onto the rest of us, which translates into more out-of-pocket expenses and higher insurance premiums for Americans.

With rising unemployment, huge trade deficits due to the loss of our manufacturing base, and a soaring national debt, we simply cannot afford to pay the bills for this nation’s illegal alien population. We can no longer accept elected representatives who choose to better represent a foreign national population, rather than those of us who actually pay their salaries.

Illegal immigration is slowly but surely destroying this nation.
ooh, I hope they don't see this in Az.
McCain might have a fit, and a tougher time getting re-elected.

Go Hayworth!
nobody fucking came here to assimilate. they came for opportunity, and assimilated later.

isn't it convenient that the money being spent on these folks provides convenient excuse to channel your anti-immigrant rage?

maybe you should figure out how much the US has spent in various social assistance programs for immigrants of islamic faith in places like dearborn, michigan. then you could do a double whammy anger dump.

golly, at least them mexicans are christian.
yeah gonz and they are FUCKING CRIMINALS, right?

hey guys whatever it takes to rationalize your preexisting sentiment...
nobody fucking came here to assimilate. they came for opportunity, and assimilated later.

isn't it convenient that the money being spent on these folks provides convenient excuse to channel your anti-immigrant rage?

maybe you should figure out how much the US has spent in various social assistance programs for immigrants of islamic faith in places like dearborn, michigan. then you could do a double whammy anger dump.

golly, at least them mexicans are christian.

Hm. let's see now. How about we do a short study on just what, exactly, you know about jimpeel.

Best friend in Colorado: Enrique Fuentes, wife Blanca, daughters Yadira, Flor, and Jaquilina. All here legally from their home town of Ignacio Zaragoza, Chihuahua, MX.

1995, my wife and I attended Yadira's quincinera in Zaragoza. You were busy taking in the mystery of the death of Jon Benet Ramsey.

Brothers Arturo, Hector, Alphonso Fuentes and their wives. All here legally from their home town of Ignacio Zaragoza, Chihuahua, MX.

Alphonso has offered me as much land as I need to build a house and retire in Zaragoza.

I helped Hector gain American citizenship.

So just what, exactly, do you know about jimpeel? Not a fucking thing. You are simply full of bluster, innuendo, and false accusations which is why you continue to lose credibility on this board every day.

That is sad.
Yep. I have a long & storied history of racism & bigotry, you can find it in any of...say, where would you find that history?
Hm. let's see now. How about we do a short study on just what, exactly, you know about jimpeel.

Best friend in Colorado: Enrique Fuentes, wife Blanca, daughters Yadira, Flor, and Jaquilina. All here legally from their home town of Ignacio Zaragoza, Chihuahua, MX.

1995, my wife and I attended Yadira's quincinera in Zaragoza. You were busy taking in the mystery of the death of Jon Benet Ramsey.

Brothers Arturo, Hector, Alphonso Fuentes and their wives. All here legally from their home town of Ignacio Zaragoza, Chihuahua, MX.

Alphonso has offered me as much land as I need to build a house and retire in Zaragoza.

I helped Hector gain American citizenship.

So just what, exactly, do you know about jimpeel? Not a fucking thing. You are simply full of bluster, innuendo, and false accusations which is why you continue to lose credibility on this board every day.

That is sad.

some of my best friends are... hah ha ha...

you always try to bring this crap us as a reason for us to believe that your basic intolerance comes from a place of purity. bullshit.

you want them to ASSIMILATE. you want them TO BECOME LIKE YOU. get it yet?

know thyself.
As the old argument goes...

We are a melting pot. They bring their culture, add some our culture & we all become one.

Some here have called for the tossed salad. Add all the parts & mix. Unfortunately, they're only doing their own thing within a greater community, meaning no real cohesion & nothing to really bind them.

Assimilation is what they did (jeez, I know at least a dozen old school children of immigrants). Today, they show up, ask us to press 2 for Spanish (or demand the Los Angeles ballot be printed in something like 176 languages), create little communitites that have nothing to do withthe outside community.

Yep, that's certainly a way to improve our society.
Assimilation is what they did (jeez, I know at least a dozen old school children of immigrants). Today, they show up, ask us to press 2 for Spanish (or demand the Los Angeles ballot be printed in something like 176 languages), create little communitites that have nothing to do withthe outside community.

Yep, that's certainly a way to improve our society.

if you think the old way of assimilation was fine, well, good for you. if you think henry ford's sociology department and gangs of hired goons that enforced "morality" amongst his population of southern and eastern european ("racially inferior") workers was cool, well, good for you. if you think child labor in factories under the whip is okey dokey, super.

drill ye terriers, drill.

if you think newly arrived mexican immigrants should be any less whiney about virtually everything as half the folks on this board are... well, you ain't connecting. in fact, that perhaps means that they are assimilated in the most culturally relevant way - they've become true whining, selfish pussies that want everyone to accommodate THEM, just like ingrates too lazy to learn 48 words in spanish want everyone to "speak english motherfucker!!!"

well, at least the death spasms of your way of life can provide some entertainment.