And the idiots still haven't gotten the gag

Now I am not saying Obama will not fail, but for the love of God would you give the man at last a quarter of a year before you start pissing and moaning about what as failure he is?!?

Leave Barack Alone!

I wasn't talking to you.

OK, as much of a waste of time as this will be, here is just a sampling of what was wrong with “Bush’s” United $tates….

  1. One word: Katrina! Hundreds of billions spent on homeland security, and along comes a completely predictable event, (perhaps not magnitude, but c‘mon folks, hurricanes come every year) and the Bush administration was shocking inept and incompetent. Oh yeah, how about those $850 million worth of mobile homes built in flood zones against state and federal regulations, sinking into the mud?
  2. You bitch about tax and spend Democrats? How about slash tax, increase spending Republicans? (YAY!) He DOUBLED the national debt in eight years. Government waste is out of control.
  3. Medicare drug programs have never been more pathetic than since they were privatized. Now the states need to spend to help those hurt by this blunder. A good portion of that money is federal; there is just a middle man now. That’s another $50 Billion wasted or, at very least, very poorly managed.
  4. Where do I start with Afghanistan and Iraq? Afghanistan, for reasons of chasing “terrorists”, at least made sense and the lesser known, but more serious reasoning of controlling the oil pipeline, is still worthy, but do we stay the course and finish the job? Of course not! I mean you’d think, that after watching Afghanistan become the old Red Army’s “Vietnam”, that we would have been sensible and focused on this important mission and saw it through. But no, daddy got embarrassed by Saddam, and Saddam was more of a “sexy” target, so let’s trump up false intelligence, (or at very least believe faulty intelligence because it says what we desperately want it to say) and go to war in Iraq! Never mind the actual gain was minimal, unless of course you own a lot of stock in Halliburton or other companies, let’s just avenge daddy! Add to all of that that the people of Iraq, while they may like being free of Saddam, still are not for the most part interested in what we offer. It’s like yet another Vietnam! No nation can “Liberate” another and set it up in a desired image if the people don’t want that. It was supposed to go about $70 bil, but we are well over $300 bil and counting….
  5. Iran and North Korea , whom we were concerned about already, now have a LOT more incentive to arm themselves, with madmen like Bush and Cheney invading offending nations at will, I’d be scared too!
  6. We have a healthcare crisis. You can go into nearly any industrialized nation in the world as a non citizen, and they will treat you affordably, or free. I’ve heard that tired nonsense about what a failure Canada is and its nonsense. There are countries that do socialized medicine much better than Canad does, but the failings are overblown and what system is perfect? But in any case, what does the Bush administration do? They slash care for the working poor! Faith based initiatives? What are you smoking? It’s just a way to do away with aid to those who most need it, because they aren’t giving anything significant to help the churches help the people.
  7. The military is stretched way too thin, the equipment is now worn out, and yet we STILL keep fighting two wars, and if Bush wasn’t gone I’ve no doubt, it would only get worse. Military spending at this point is a Band-Aid on a gushing wound. We need to pull our forces out of every place we can and rebuild an actual defense.
  8. The environment? Well let’s just not go there, because some of us just flat don’t give a crap, much like Bush.
  9. How about gutting a lot of the constitution to keep us “safe”?!? The Patriot Act, for the most part has not had that noticeable effect on our daily lives. Most of the reason why, is because the government has so many things juggling in the air as it is, that it does not have the resources or manpower to abuse it’s power too awfully badly, but that is NO excuse for passing flat out unconstitutional laws, that give them the legal power to screw us out of our rights, regardless of if they actually do it or not. There is ZERO proof that it has helped protect us, and there is little reason to think that we couldn’t protect ourselves without compromising that which we hold dear.

I could go on but my typing fingers are getting tired, and also, since when has the truth ever actually changed someone’s erroneous political beliefs? I’ve never seen it happen in my lifetime, not even once.
1-Local issue, not federal. Even so, the feds were standing in line, in Alabama & Georgia, awaiting the governmors request for help. She withheld that request. Not only that but Katrina did nothign to NO. It was 40 year sof ignored warnings from teh Corps of Engineers, telling LA that they weren't up to snuff.

2-Tax cuts work every time they're tried. Increases to federal coffers. However, yes, the Reublicans spent like drunken Democrats. However, that wasn't Bush. Read the Constitution. Only Congress can spend money. The President either OKs, vetoes it or ignores it.

3-Medicare should be eliminated. unConstitutional.

4-There are hundreds of threads about the battles. We haven't had an American, on US soil, get killed since, have we? It looks like the war on terror was being handled quite well.

5-Ignoring UN resolutions, treaties & security council orders? Say it ain't so, Joe.

6-We have a healthcare crisis? You want free healthcare? Get a degree in medicine. It's not the job of the government. unConstitutional.

7-Thin, perhaps. I'm not in military logisitics. Better armed, trained & prepared than any point in history, with better doubt.

8-There's nothing wrong with the environment. Bad science & tactless politicans need something to whime about.

9-read the Patriot Act. There's nothing illegal in it.

Nothing erroneus in my politics. I've looked at the issues & found most of the reporting to be hype, fallacy or political.
OK I am convinced, I'm a Republican now. Thanks, I go now....

Why? The Republicans proved themselves as incompetent as the Dems.

Although, it is good to see you can see truth over fiction so easily. Too bad the media keeps people like you in the dark until someone shines a light on the issue.
Gonz, it's obvious you keep yourself in the dark no matter how strong of a light is shined on issues.

Bush failures

"President Bush often argues that history will vindicate him. So he can't be pleased with an informal survey of 109 professional historians conducted by the History News Network. It found that 98 percent of them believe that Bush's presidency has been a failure"

Historic Failure: Bush's Final Approval Rating is at 22%;topStories
Booooooooosh! Derangement Syndrome is alive and well, burning like a fire in the belly of all deranged libruls. :rolleyes:
"President Bush often argues that history will vindicate him. So he can't be pleased with an informal survey of 109 professional historians conducted by the History News Network. It found that 98 percent of them believe that Bush's presidency has been a failure"

Historic Failure: Bush's Final Approval Rating is at 22%;topStories

Dude... "history will vindicate him." It's been less than two weeks since he left office. That seems a little soon for historians to be looking at it as "history" to make a judgment. As such, what they have to say about it NOW carries as much weight as what you or I have to say about it.
Why? The Republicans proved themselves as incompetent as the Dems.

<personal attack snipped>
Glad to see you say this. All politicians are whores, selling themselves to the highest bidding lobbyist. Never trust them, whether they are Democrats or Republicans (or Communists or Socialists or Libertarians). They are all the same and they all want what's in your wallet, though they try to sell you a different reason. What's even worse is that, besides stealing your money, they all want to control some aspect of your personal life for your own good.

Politicians are fucktards. I've not met one I like 100%.