And the idiots still haven't gotten the gag

So you are angry that they are exercising their freedom of speech when they say they thought what he said was distasteful.

so freedom of speech is only good if you agree with that the people are saying.

no i am asking a simple question of american citizens

i couldnt care less what limbaugh says or what anybody thinks of it. i do however findd it immensely humerous to watch the mudslingers of six short months ago cry foul when a clod comes there way
no i am asking a simple question of american citizens

i couldnt care less what limbaugh says or what anybody thinks of it. i do however findd it immensely humerous to watch the mudslingers of six short months ago cry foul when a clod comes there way

Whew. Lithium could help.
Why does anyone bother with Rush Limbaugh? He's voluntarily admitted that he is just an attention seeking character on a radio show. It's what he gets paid for: to be a clown. Who cares what he says? The Dems should just ignore him, he has no power to do anything.

Last time I listened to one of Limbaugh's radio shows (was a captive audience waiting for someone) Limbaugh sounded like a disorganized drug addict on a drug induced rant. He made no sense at all and couldn't keep on topic at all. Yeesh... I don't know what all the hubbub is. :shrug:
Then why was his first act in office to close Gitmo and make us all less safe? Why is he wanting to take capital out of the economy, place it in the government's hands, and then through bureaucracy and administration, both of which waste that money, put it back in the hands of those he took it from with the administrative fees removed; and you call that dealing with the economic situation?

Truly dealing with the economic situation would be to reduce taxes and let the money flow directly from the hands of the people into the economy without having part of that money eaten up by a middleman.

He isn't knocking the goal. He is knocking the manner in which the goal is purportedly going to be achieved.

Obama wants to raise taxes in the middle of a recession (which we finally are actually in) yet promises to reduce taxes for 95% of Americans. The only way to do this is to give the 35% who pay no taxes at all a negative tax bill which the rest of us know as a check. How else do you "reduce" a tax bill of zero?

Closing gitmo, whether you believe it or not, will make you safer. Gitmo is an embarrassment and an affront to all you hold near and dear as an American. The basis of the law is 'innocent until proven guilty', and Gitmo flies in the face of this ideal. People were arrested (not really) and not charged..and without evidence, were removed from their country to another country for imprisonment without a set term and certainly no contact with their families, friends, or lawyers..where they faced tortures and other treatment unbecomming of your nation.

When the existance of this place and those imprisoned therein was released to the world, you lost credibility as a nation that promotes law, democracy and human rights.

That Obama is willing to actually *gasp* give these people a trial in a court of law and imprisonment in a real jail should they be found guilty is a small step towards recovering your credibility as a 'great nation'.

The kind of nation that other nations would turn to in times of need, and try to emulate. That alone will buy you a measure of freedom and safety that you would never get so long as Gitmo remains standing.

Reducing taxes will not solve your economic situation. It's too slow...far too slow to stop the downwards spiral that you're currently in. The banks need to be shored up for one...because they are the ones that provide loans for everything from buying a new car or house, starting a business, keeping abusiness afloat, renovations etc.. Bailing out the auto industry might seem foolhearty but they employ 1M+ people, not counting secondary and tertiary businesses that reply on that industry to stay afloat.

There are only so many buttons that a President can push to stimulate an economy. Some of the alternatives won't work..including printing more money.

35% of Americans don't pay taxes? Sounds like a pretty inflated number... are you saying that 35% of Americans live below the poverty line?
Why does anyone bother with Rush Limbaugh? He's voluntarily admitted that he is just an attention seeking character on a radio show. It's what he gets paid for: to be a clown. Who cares what he says? The Dems should just ignore him, he has no power to do anything.

Last time I listened to one of Limbaugh's radio shows (was a captive audience waiting for someone) Limbaugh sounded like a disorganized drug addict on a drug induced rant. He made no sense at all and couldn't keep on topic at all. Yeesh... I don't know what all the hubbub is. :shrug:
Try listening to Ann Coulter... it's like Rush after a sex-change operation. :barfonu:
IIf you read the article you just posted you would clearly see that it's this bit...

"wanted President Obama to fail"

Don't have to read it. I heard it the day he said it & I've heard it several times since.

Truth be told, it doesn't matter the context nor his meaning...He has the right to say it.

Closing gitmo, whether you believe it or not, will make you safer.

Yea, right. We'd be glad to ship them to Canada but you'd let 'em back in.
Closing gitmo, whether you believe it or not, will make you safer.

Don't you realize that rad-islamists will say to themselves: "Suckers" and laugh that under B.HusseinO. we are weakened, because he's such know how a picture tells a thousand stories?

Why does anyone bother with Rush Limbaugh? He's voluntarily admitted that he is just an attention seeking character on a radio show. It's what he gets paid for: to be a clown. Who cares what he says? The Dems should just ignore him, he has no power to do anything.

Then why did the President of the United States, the most powerful man in the free world, take but a mere three days to mention Limbaugh by name? Doesn't sound like he is very irrelevant to me.
35% of Americans don't pay taxes? Sounds like a pretty inflated number... are you saying that 35% of Americans live below the poverty line?

Nope. I am saying that the number of zero-tax filers is growing every year.

Remember, Obama said he was going to reduce taxes for 95% of ALL Americans. He did not say that he was going to reduce taxes for 95% of all American wage earners.

Read this:

The Growing Class of Americans Who Pay No Federal Income Taxes

The number of zero-tax filers in 1980 was 18.6 million or 19.8%

By 2004 (est.) that number rose to 44.0 million or 33.0%.
Source: IRS Statistics of Income and Tax Foundation estimate.

And then there's this:

The number of zero-tax filers dropped to 32% in 2006. The likelihood is that the number has since risen to around 35% because of the Bush tax cuts. Even states the number is closer to 38%. It is interesting to note that while the number of zero-tax filers has risen, so have the revenues to the federal treasury. So if the tax cuts were a gift to the rich why are they now paying more?

Number of Americans Paying Zero Federal Income Tax Grows to 43.4 Million

Don't you realize that rad-islamists will say to themselves: "Suckers" and laugh that under B.HusseinO. we are weakened, because he's such know how a picture tells a thousand stories?


he's such a what? have the courage to say what you mean or STFU.

Limbaugh Cracks the Whip, and Republicans Get in Line
Conservative talk show hosts are keeping pressure on Republican leaders to oppose the economic stimulus plan and rallying the base in the meantime.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The minority whip appears to be someone who has never won an election.

Republican lawmakers who were having a difficult time becoming the "loyal opposition" in the first week of the Obama administration got a swift kick in the pants earlier this week from the "voice" of their constituents: Rush Limbaugh.

The conservative talk show host was one of many across the country who took to the airwaves to cajole congressional Republicans to line up against President Obama's $819 billion stimulus package.

The result was unanimity. Though the stimulus bill passed handily Wednesday in the heavily Democratic House, every Republican in the chamber voted against it.

Their unity won praise from Limbaugh himself, who said Democrats sought bipartisan support only because they know the stimulus plan will fail and don't want to be solely responsible.

"[Democrats] want the Republicans to not have cover," Limbaugh told FOX News on Thursday. "There's nothing about the economy in this bill."

With Wednesday's vote, House Republicans have effectively disowned the package. But lawmakers are not off the conservative hook. With Democrats determined to pass the bill, right-leaning hosts have signaled that the stimulus will be their rallying cry in the early months of the Obama administration. It will be Kryptonite to those who embrace it and a lightning rod for conservative audiences.

"This economic stimulus package is bad for the country, but it sure is good for the Republican Party," talk show host Mike Gallagher told He said hosts like himself will play the "loyal opposition" on this defining issue. "And the battle is just beginning for us."

Leslie Marshall, who's on the liberal end of nationally syndicated radio hosts, said Limbaugh will not derail the stimulus but will have fuel for as long as the package is being executed. She suggested the conservative talk giants are in a good spot right now.

"Rush Limbaugh came to glory during the Clinton years because he had somebody he could bash, in a sense, and liberal hosts have been having a field day for the last eight years," she told, explaining that nitpicking the opposition party is "part of why people listen to us."

It also didn't hurt ratings when Obama mentioned Limbaugh by name at a White House meeting last week, telling GOP lawmakers not to let people like Limbaugh derail the package.

"[Obama is] obviously more frightened of me than he is of (Senate Minority Leader) Mitch McConnell," Limbaugh told his listeners. "He is more frightened of me than he is of, say, (House Minority Leader) John Boehner, which doesn't say much about our party,"

Given the vote breakdown in the House, Obama's remark may have been a blunder. The San Francisco Chronicle on Thursday called it Obama's "first tactical error" because it elevated Limbaugh.

And Republicans apparently still fear the host. Just ask Georgia Rep. Phil Gingrey, whom quoted Tuesday defending his party's leaders in light of Limbaugh's comments.

"It's easy if you're Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh or even sometimes Newt Gingrich to stand back and throw bricks," Gingrey said. "But when it comes to true leadership, not that these people couldn't be or wouldn't be good leaders, they're not in that position of John Boehner or Mitch McConnell."

The next day, after apparently hearing an earful from constituents, Gingrey issued a mea culpa on his government Web site.

"I have actively opposed every bailout ... I see eye-to-eye with Rush Limbaugh. Regardless of what yesterday's headline may have read, I never told Rush to back off," Gingrey wrote.

"Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, and other conservative giants are the voices of the conservative movement's conscience."

Limbaugh, who offered his own stimulus proposal in a Wall Street Journal editorial on Thursday, accepted Gingrey's apology. He added that despite multiple efforts, he can't be marginalized.

"They know that I am the direct route to conservative-based voters and if they can discredit me, if they can marginalize me, they think that they've got Republicans out of the way," he said.

Democratic dominance in Washington virtually ensures that conservative talk hosts will not enjoy the level of influence they had when they successfully mobilized their audiences in 2007 to push lawmakers to kill immigration reform. But it does give them the opportunity to hound Republican officials to fall back into the conservative line.

"I think Republican senators who vote against this thing are really, really going to do so at their own peril," Gallagher said.

"The Republicans need to decide do we believe in small government, do we believe in fiscal responsibility," said conservative commentator and FOX News host Glenn Beck.

Beck, in an interview with minutes after the House voted for the stimulus, said he's by no means banking on the failure of the stimulus program if it passes.

"If it succeeds, God bless us," he said. "It's not a game for me. It's not a game for most Republicans. It's real."

He said it's difficult to cast the bailout trend as a purely Democratic initiative since the Bush administration backed the first stimulus package last year, as well as the financial rescue package.

He continues to criticize Republicans and left open the question of whether GOP leadership really follows his advice.

But conservative talk is on night watch as the package heads to the Senate. After Boehner challenged Beck in an interview Wednesday to watch him rein in spending, Beck responded, "Believe me, sir. I will be."'s Judson Berger contributed to this report.
Main Entry:
\äb-ˈtüs, əb-, -ˈtyüs\
Inflected Form(s):
ob·tus·er; ob·tus·est
Middle English, from Latin obtusus blunt, dull, from past participle of obtundere to beat against, blunt, from ob- against + tundere to beat — more at ob-, contusion
15th century

1 a: not pointed or acute : blunt b (1)of an angle : exceeding 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees (2): having an obtuse angle <an obtuse triangle> — see triangle illustration cof a leaf : rounded at the free end (3) a: lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect : insensitive , stupid b: difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression
synonyms see dull
— ob·tuse·ly adverb
— ob·tuse·ness noun

Blunt instrument anyone? :lol: