Andrea Yates acquitted

unclehobart said:
If she didn't do it, then its time to look for the second secret babykiller... the one on the grassy knoll.

Makes quite a statement, doesn't it?
There is absolutely no justifiable reason for her to not have been executed five years ago.
Public hangings have worked for thousands of years - if it ain't broken, don't fix it. Forget all this death row and lethal injection bullshit. All you really need is a rope and some sort of branch.
Stop it already. In Texas, NG by resaon of insanity is akin to Guilty as hell but fucking crazy. SHe will spend all, or most, of her life in a mental faciltiy with 17' fences & armed guards.

Nothing changed but the monogram on the sheets
Nope she was clearly wrongly convicted in the first place
and should be set free.

She only posed a threat to her kids
and they are all dead

So she's no longer a threat to society!
Gonz said:
Stop it already. In Texas, NG by resaon of insanity is akin to Guilty as hell but fucking crazy. SHe will spend all, or most, of her life in a mental faciltiy with 17' fences & armed guards.

Nothing changed but the monogram on the sheets

So, why is the rest of her life 30-something years, instead of like a week?
Where do you get a week? This woman is clearly deranged. This woman lives in Texas. Texas don't like deranged wimmins.
This woman should be swinging from a tree.

Just because you're insane does not make it ok to kill children.

She's a murderer and should be executed as such, not incarcerated for thirty years at an expensive hospital at taxpayer's expensive.
Altron said:
This woman should be swinging from a tree.

Just because you're insane does not make it ok to kill children.

I wholeheartedly agree. I have no problem executing retarded folks either. If they're so messed up that they murder, then let's be done with 'em. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has ruled, as have many many many state courts, that we can't kill crazy fucks. So, in the absense of real justice, a lifetime with a bunch of crazies is tolerable. If this were Massachusetts or New Jersey, I'd be on a different warpath. The place she's heading is prison for psychos.
Gonz said:
Where do you get a week? This woman is clearly deranged. This woman lives in Texas. Texas don't like deranged wimmins.

Somebody liked her enough to breed and produce the kids...
Winky said:
Nope she was clearly wrongly convicted in the first place
and should be set free.

She only posed a threat to her kids
and they are all dead

So she's no longer a threat to society!
hence, she'll be out in a week.

Well, maybe a couple months so's people don't notice too quickly.
my thoughts on the subject were summed up earlier when i saw a snippet about this on tv and said, "yeah, she's completely fucking crazy"
she did the act, and she should have to pay for it, but her brain is somewhere else entirely, and so i dont believe it's the same as if a more sane person did the same thing. even if she seems to understand, i dont think she can truly be made to 100% understand what she did.
Gonz said:
Stop it already. In Texas, NG by resaon of insanity is akin to Guilty as hell but fucking crazy. SHe will spend all, or most, of her life in a mental faciltiy with 17' fences & armed guards.

Nothing changed but the monogram on the sheets

Having been inside both facilities as part of different jobs, I beg to differ.

Mental hospitals are a piece of cake next to a prison. You get to move about more freely. You get to stay looped out of your mind on drugs if you like. You get better treatment. You have much less fear of being shanked in the back. You don't have bars on the door of your living quarters. You don't get that "personal" feeling of having a dozen armed guards watching your every breath; instead, you get Suzie Feelgood-Liberal the duty nurse baby talking you. Family and friends can visit you and share the same oxygen. You get a shrink instead of a warden. The floor was mopped within the last decade. You see sunlight. You sit in a semi-circle and discuss your feelings instead of making big rocks into little rocks. You just have to convince a shrink, who likely speaks broken English and voted for Gore, that you should be able to leave instead of a parole board whose job it is to keep you in until you are no longer capable of controlling your bladder. You are a "resident" instead of an "inmate".

She should be worm food by now.
ash r said:
even if she seems to understand, i dont think she can truly be made to 100% understand what she did.

Sure she can. It's simple, quick, and every bit as humane as her kids got.

1. Handcuff her.

2. Fill a tub with water.

3. Hold her head under the water until she dies. About six seconds before she dies, she'll have a remarkable amount of clarity regarding what she did.
If I had lost my mind and killed my children I would want someone to kill me. Maybe she wants to die and her punishment is living with her actions.
I still say she should be executed though.