Well-Known Member
Obama is ONE blackman too many so we must hate him despite his wonderful leadership and pro-american's easy, okie. you just need to form some kind of coherent story with some numbers to support it. but, at the end of the day, that ain't what you and yer kin do, is it? how about this. just post a silly picture, make assertions of socialism on the part of.... whomever, and... well, you know the drill.

Well there ya' go, I hope it helps to feeds your delusion.
"Government employment declined (-159,000), reflecting both a drop in the number of temporary jobs for Census 2010 and job losses in local government. Private-sector payroll employment continued to trend up modestly (+64,000)."
so, less government jobs and more private sector jobs - how is that not a good thing?
It is a good thing on the surface, I think you missed the part where I said I think the private sector growth is in despite of this administration. If anythings is restoring confidence its the upcoming November 2nd election and the grass roots momentum of the TeaParty conservatives.
I notice you can dismiss everything that is not your graph.
But that's OK Minxy. I understand that your higher education affords you the luxury to put all your chickens into that very well crafted graph released by the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi's office.
To say: The patients body is receiving low levels of oxygen, the body needs 20mL/min of oxygen to maintain normal function at rest. That's about 60mL per minute of intake. While you, the primary physician may have released 2,000,000,000,000 mL of oxygen into the room the patient is only showing an increase of 0.5mL of oxygen; which just doesn't make any since the OR theater is now reading 98% oxygen saturation.
So in your oxygen induced euphoric state and following ObamaCare approved treatment for the dying, you declare water-boarding the patient might help. And for a moment it seems to be working just as planned, the patients begins to respond in a positive manner. The brain activity spikes, the heart rate increases as does the blood pressure, there is motor function happening despite the restraints on every limb. Eureka !!!!
What your real time meters don't tell you is: Despite your government approved heroic actions, the autonomic nervous system has responded by releasing a plethora of active chemicals that may extend your life by just a few moments. These reactions will generally allow you enought time to survive if some condition changes allowing normal functions to resume.
As the staff if doing high-fives over the increases of activity on the monitors, the the patient suddenly slips into cardiopulmonry arrest from tissue hypoxia. CODE BLUE is called as paddles are pulled and thanks to the Chinese made switch in the paddle, a spark. The 98% oxygen filled room a'splodes killing all 6 union members, as well the patient and the two Px's.
At home, the recently widowed mother of 4 is mourning her husband, who suffered from a mild case of sleep apnea. She is having trouble understanding why her husband died when, in the past, he always woke up once hypercapnia set in. Everyday, for the rest of her life, she will always wonder if maybe her husband would still be alive if he hadn't went in for that Hemorrhoidectomy.
Minx, you basterd, you killed kenny.