spike said:
That money should be used to benefit the taxpayers.
Ok, since you can't see the forest because of the trees, I'll attempt to make things clearer.
Since 9/11:
We've taken out a terrorist group calling themsleves a political group in Afghanistan. (read:Taliban). They, nor the country they claim to represent, attacked the US. They did bolster a group who claimed to attack the US. We're still there.
We've taken out a viscious leader who surrendered to the US led coalition in 1991. He routinely fired millsiles at the UN backed US & British airpower that was patroling the no-fly zone. He routienly evaded, stalled, harangued & went to all means to make the jobs of UN weapons inspectors more difficult, or impossible, including having said inspectors removed from his country. Meanwhile, the UN was allowing France & Russia (Germany perhaps) to subsidize Mr Husseins personal cash stash by selling him products that were illegal to sell him under the terms of surrender. After 12 years of this crap, we got a President who could see the bigger picture & decided that enough was enough. We're still there.
Meanwhile, Iran is developing nuclear weapons, under the guise of nuclear power. Why would a nation, sitting on top of perhaps 30% of the worlds oil reserves, need nuclear energy? Iran, thanks to GW Bush & the coalition of the willing, is now, for all intents & purposes, surrounded, by NATO countries. Coincidence? I think not.
Using the World Superpower model of not getting into direct fisticuffs unless necessary, the US gives & sells weapons & technolgy to a friendly, successful, democratic nation, that is surrounded by Arab nations with a beef against Jews. Said nation has, several times, beaten back attacks by those unfriendly, violent nations. Each time, Israel has taken land, as a victor is entitled to upon ages old war rules, only to give the land back as a buffer zone. The Arabs living in Israel get along fine, as long as they act like civilized humans instead of hateful anti-Semites.
Today, the US & Iran are engaged in a classic coldwar power struggle. By arming Hezbollah & telling them to attack Israel, they are seeing military strategy & weaponry borne by a western style democracy. The US, stalling the world from just another cease-fire (read:reamring) have decided to test the waters of the Iranian weaponry & strategy by not reeling in its ally.
Classic case of war games without starting WW3.
historical footnote:After being attacked by Japan, the US declared war on...
are you ready...
Germany & Italy.
Upon countless American deaths in a battle that had (seemingly) nothing to do us, we then focused on Japan, which countless more American GIs were killed. After killing becoup civilians & destroying cities on several continents & eventually nuking two cities, both wars ended with unconditional surrender by our enemy & Victory was at hand.