Another log for the fire


Well-Known Member
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Hezbollah militants crossed into Israel on Wednesday and captured two Israeli soldiers. Israel responded in southern Lebanon with warplanes, tanks and gunboats, and said seven of its soldiers had been killed in the violence.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called the soldiers' capture "an act of war," and his Cabinet prepared to approve more military action in Lebanon — a second front in the fight against Islamic militants by Israel, which already is waging an operation to free a captured soldier in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli army said three soldiers were killed in the initial raid, and four others were killed when their tank went over a land mine in southern Lebanon.

Olmert said he held the Lebanese government responsible for the two soldiers' safety, vowing that the Israeli response "will be restrained, but very, very, very painful."

Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said he will not release the captives except as part of a prisoner swap. He said the two soldiers were "in a safe and very far place."

"No military operation will return them," he told a news conference in Beirut. "The prisoners will not be returned except through one way: indirect negotiations and a trade."

Israeli jets struck deep into southern Lebanon, blasting bridges and Hezbollah positions and killing two civilians, the Lebanese officials said.

The Israeli military planned to call up thousands of reservists, and residents of Israeli towns on the border with Lebanon were ordered to seek cover in underground bomb shelters.

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Welcome to a war on two fronts....anyone for three
DAMASCUS - Syria said on Wednesday Israel was responsible for an operation by its ally Hizbollah in which two Israeli soldiers were captured.

“Occupation is what provokes the Palestinian and Lebanese people,” Vice President Farouq al-Shara told reporters.

“The resistance in south Lebanon and among the Palestinian people decides solely what to do and why.”

Syria supports demands by Hizbollah, a Shia group also backed by Iran, for Israel to pull out of Shebaa Farms, an area near the Golan Heights which the United Nations says is Syrian land, but which Syria describes as Lebanese.

It also supports the group’s demand for Israel to free several Lebanese prisoners still in its jails, including at least one who has been in captivity for more than two decades.

Shara, a former foreign minister, did not say whether he expected Israel to launch strikes against Syria in retaliation for the Hizbollah operation.

Israel has already hinted it could assassinate members of Hamas’s exiled leadership in Syria after the military wing of the Palestinian movement took part in an attack that captured an Israeli soldier near Gaza on June 25.
Didja take notice?

During the couple of months of "peace", when Hamas & their backers were shelling (daily & nightly) Israel from the newly aquired section of Israeli-free Gaza, nobody said a word.

Now that Isreali soldiers have been taken captive (can you say POW?) & they are retaliating, the media wakes up.

Israel shells Palestine, Palestine shells Israel, Israel shells Palestine.

A month ago two Palestinians were taken captive, now two Israelis are taken captive.

Back and forth they go.
Except these 2 where takenby hezbolah, hance lebanon, not palestine.

you think after every time they attacked isreal they got their butts kicked so bad, they would learn provoking isreal to attack might be a bad idea.
Kind of the same way that the Spaniards created pirates in the Carribean in the 17th century.

Does this then mean that you think the Israelis should stand still for these abductions?
2minkey said:
easy. hizballah formed in response to increasingly violent israeli incursions into lebanon. shiites in the south increasingly felt the need to take up arms.

Yep, that's about where I thought you were going. Hey didya hear? The USA mnade the terrorists attack us!!! :eek5:
chcr said:
Does this then mean that you think the Israelis should stand still for these abductions?

of course not.

but the relationship between israeli invasion of lebanon and the formation of hizballah is pretty well established.

wait, of course that can't be true, because israel is infallible, right gonz?
Ain't got a dawg in this hunt, but this IS Off Topic Central, so...

For the record, wikipedia is about as reliable a source as is moveondotorg. Wikipedia has been proven time and again to be false. Anything posted from there used to bolster an argument/opinion/statement should be viewed with more skepticism than a '74 Olds with 4,000 original miles. Once the news about it broke in connection with the John Siegenthaler (sp?) entry, and it was shown to have been "user edited" by political foes of his with an agenda leaning further left than that tower in Italy, it lost all credibility.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled tit-for-tat, already in progress...
paul_valaru said:

funny how all the terrorist activities increased AFTER the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon.

yeah well these days its a back and forth neverending clusterfuck. what do you expect?

1982 might be the year to look at, when israeli policy took an interesting turn.
ELITE commandos have carried out Israel's first arrests overnight in the Gaza Strip since the Jewish state withdrew a year ago, detaining two suspected Hamas militants in a raid that signalled an apparent tactical change.
