another Manufactured Crisis


Well-Known Member
FDA Looking for Source of Tainted Eggs

Investigators from the Food and Drug Administration are working to find the cause of a salmonella outbreak that has sickened as many as 1,300 people and forced the recall of more than a half-billion eggs.,2933,600062,00.html

These numbers just do add up, for shutting down a whole industry,
and or causing the price of eggs to skyrocket.

Better buy um while you can.
Mrs. Obama is on the war path. (is my guess)
and or
it's more misdirection.

This whole thing is Crap.
We've Known for at least the last 50 years that 1in3 eggs carries salmonella.
Same for chickens. Are chickens next?
Another case of the nanny state.

If you remove the all the offensive organism from your food, your immunity from those organism will have problems, weakening the species.

Why, then, are contaminated eggs being flagged as so dangerous? To answer that, you have to go back to a story I wrote in 2008 called, "FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables" (

There, following the FDA's demands that spinach and lettuce be irradiated, I explained the FDA's real agenda: "Don't think the FDA will stop with spinach and lettuce, either. They're already talking about irradiating tomatoes, peppers and onions. Before long, radiation could become mandatory for ALL fresh produce..."

It's already happened with almonds, which must now be fumigated or pasteurized in the United States -- a punitive rule that has severely damaged the U.S. almond industry. That took place after an outbreak of contamination with almonds. Similarly, this recent egg contamination fiasco is giving the FDA precisely the excuse it needs to demand routine pasteurization or irradiation of all eggs. Meanwhile, salmonella-contaminated chicken will be utterly ignored by the FDA even as it calls for the mass-pasteurization of "dangerous" eggs.

The FDA, you see, will seize upon each contamination event as a leverage point from which to ratchet up its food sterilization agenda, and the agency won't stop until every scrap of fresh food sold at grocery stores is either pasteurized, fumigated or irradiated.

Only then will the FDA's true agenda of food control be fully realized. (Insert evil genius laughter here.) And this plan of course involves outlawing all raw milk, raw almonds, raw spinach, raw eggs and anything else that might be living. Hence the recent ramping up of criminal arrests and prosecutions against raw milk producers and living food coops.

The only safe food is dead food...

Natual News
There is another bill that has been brought up several times now that will have a a grave effect on community gardens and farmer markets. It seems poised to affect the personal garden in due time.

control the food and all that...
13And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat. 14But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. 15And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. 16This was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven.

this isn't misdirection or cheating our immune systems. salmonella is nothing to fuck with, and it never has been anything to fuck with in eras preceded our hyperantiseptic freak state. you two are unbelievable.

obama is misdirecting us with egg recalls?

boy in the bubble?

y'all are so silly.
OK, mix, eliminate salmonella from our diet for a generation or two then reintroduce it the species. we've been dealing with salmonella for generations just fine, cooking does a good job in killing it.

Kids raised in homes that are overly clean have a much higher risk of developing asthma.

Yeah, disallowing your body the opportunity to fight reasonable biological threats is indeed cheating your immune system. -- lets see what new legislation is created over this.
You'll love the Manufactured Crisis this weeks EGGS!

Lets bring back polio, smallpox and the bubonic plague!

People in weakened states do die from food poisoning
watch out metrosexuals! No Eggs for you.
and AID's being the tricky lil devil dreamed up
by the CIA to clean off the African continent
has mutated and no longer kills it's host.
there's a difference between building tolerance and immunities to various stuffs over time and intensive exposure to an immediately threatening pathogen. if those eggs are salmonella festivals, someone needs to deal with it. just like that spinach that was bad from CA.

BTW, i use raw eggs in cooking, drink raw milk, and don't hesitate to eat something i dropped...

chug it, santa! :rainfrow:
...probably because there has been a spike in the number of salmonella cases lately. yep, that kind of thing usually does it. google might be able to tell you.

and 1 in 3 eggs carries salmonella? horseshit....
there's a difference between building tolerance and immunities to various stuffs over time and intensive exposure to an immediately threatening pathogen. if those eggs are salmonella festivals, someone needs to deal with it. just like that spinach that was bad from CA.

BTW, i use raw eggs in cooking, drink raw milk, and don't hesitate to eat something i dropped...

chug it, santa! :rainfrow:

10 second rule
That bill, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, passed the House and the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee last year, but it has not been taken up by the full Senate. The bill would require the FDA to inspect high-risk facilities and give the health and human services secretary the authority to suspend operations at facilities where a serious health risk is suspected. It would also allow FDA to mandate what are now voluntary recalls.

FOX News
And there it is. -- It wont be long until this little law get extended into your personal garden. It will already cover community gardens and Farmers Markets.
Big difference between factory farms with their less-than-sanitary conditions and Farmers markets and backyard gardens.
No, not much difference at all. Someone grows the food and transfers it to another party for consumption. There must be a standard for this type of transaction, to protect the public safety donch'a know.

It's my understanding that the laws wording leaves it open ended to cover farmers markets, if you interpret it liberally. -- which, in the end, it will be.
there's a difference between building tolerance and immunities to various stuffs over time and intensive exposure to an immediately threatening pathogen. if those eggs are salmonella festivals, someone needs to deal with it. just like that spinach that was bad from CA.

BTW, i use raw eggs in cooking, drink raw milk, and don't hesitate to eat something i dropped...

chug it, santa! :rainfrow:

It is only legal in several states to sell commercially raw milk. Are you fortunate enough to be in one of those states or do you know a farmer?

Big difference between factory farms with their less-than-sanitary conditions and Farmers markets and backyard gardens.
No, not much difference at all. Someone grows the food and transfers it to another party for consumption. There must be a standard for this type of transaction, to protect the public safety donch'a know.

It's my understanding that the laws wording leaves it open ended to cover farmers markets, if you interpret it liberally. -- which, in the end, it will be.

I have seen the way they raise those chickens which is quite barbaric. I bet the organic farmers have little to no problems with such contamination.
...probably because there has been a spike in the number of salmonella cases lately. yep, that kind of thing usually does it. google might be able to tell you.

and 1 in 3 eggs carries salmonella? horseshit....

um, 1300 people ain't a spike.

My granddad was a chicken Doc for 30 years,
my mom worked at a animal/bird pharmaceutical co for about 2 years, and
I worked in the chicken industry for ~13 years.

1in3 is a well known figure in the industry, and that's from people that
only stand to lose if it were exploited.
It's been that way as long as I can remember.
It's a fact, and you can take it to the bank.
yeah, gothy, i live in a state (WA) where you can buy raw milk in a store.

cato, there has been a threefold increase in salmonella-related illness lately. that sure as shit is a "spike." the industry claims only one in 20,000 eggs has salmonella. if 1 in 3 have it, there would be a lot more sick people. try backing up your claims with verifiable information.
yeah, gothy, i live in a state (WA) where you can buy raw milk in a store.

cato, there has been a threefold increase in salmonella-related illness lately. that sure as shit is a "spike." the industry claims only one in 20,000 eggs has salmonella. if 1 in 3 have it, there would be a lot more sick people. try backing up your claims with verifiable information.

do you have a link to any of those numbers?