PT said:I've been married myself twice now, I know what it takes to make a marraige work.
To make Rose happy I'll quote the best part & let it stand on its own.
PT said:I've been married myself twice now, I know what it takes to make a marraige work.
bish, shaddupMrBishop said:PC=Personal Computer - and yes, Macintosh makes personal computers, using a different operating system, much like Linux is an OS. The term PC has been attributed to personal computers which run on the Windows OS, but regardless of which OS it runs on...a PC is a PC is a PC.
A MAC is a PCIt's just not a WindowsOS PC.
A Marriage is a Marriage is a Marriage. Wether performed in a church or at the JOP. One is 'blessed' and the other isn't, but it's still a Marriage.
And you don't have the strength of mind to consider an opposing point of view either, so that makes you what?ResearchMonkey said:Tolerance is a virtue, and since you do not have the strength of mind accept that I have my own principled values, you’re intolerant.
My life experiences include growing up with a gay uncle, a gay brother, and several friends of my mothers that were gay. It also included hearing about them talk about how they would love to get married, to be able to make a commitment like that. Yes, they do make commitments, but it's not legally recognized commitments, so there is something cheaper about it. If it wasn't, marriage wouldn't exist at all.As for enlightened, you feel your typical life experiences give you some moral authority to address these issues because you have met gay people? I don’t know that that qualifies you as enlightened since your expertise and training have no exceptional qualities that can shed new light to the unenlightened.
Thousands of hours discussing personal issues with homosexuals? Please, do tell.I on the other hand have spent thousands of hour discussing very personal issues of homosexuality with homosexuals in groups and individually. Not to mention many many hours of homosexual issue and sensitivity training.
ResearchMonkey said:bish, shaddupI said REAL PC
your right though, a marriage is a marriage, why change it?
MrBishop said:The Mac is a better PC than the PC, ya know
What I was getting at, is that wether its in the church of at the JOP, it should bear equal weight legally and both should bear the same terminology.
Why bother coming up with another term for the same relationship? There are those who would say that it's all a terminology issue. That if the gays jsut called it an Union instead of a Marriage, there wouldn't be an issue. My point is that there likewise whouldn't be an issue with the use of the term Marriage.
What I can't seem to wrap my brain around is how any of this in any way lessens your own Maraige or the marriage of anyone else. Your neighbour's marriage shouldn't affect yours, his infidelity doesn't make you infidel with your wife, his divorce doesn't make you want to divorce... right?
So, why should the Marriage of someone you're not likely to meet affect you, your marraige and indeed..your definition of marriage?
Leslie are we all happily discussing Gay whatever blahblah, or are we discussing each other in here?
I have considered the ramifications of being homosexual, time and time again, I have personally come to the conclusion it causes a person far more problems than the heterosexual living does.PuterTutor said:And you don't have the strength of mind to consider an opposing point of view either, so that makes you what?
Thousands of hours discussing personal issues with homosexuals? Please, do tell.
lol only kinda?HomeLAN said:Kinda like watching a train wreck, isn't it?
Professur said:Perhaps you've just shown your hand, my friend. You continually refer to your live-in girlfriend, and mother of your child as your wife, or missus. She is neither, but the destinction, for you, is irrelevant. Not for the rest of us. Therefore, your definition of marriage differs sharply from mine. Yours seems to be an etheral, hazy conceptual thing, while mine is the concrete solid basis for the remainder of my life, and the foundation for my kids to build upon.
Professur said:Ah, you see. I wasn't talking your relationship. I was talking your opinion of "marriage". Your relationship, obviously, has nothing to do with marriage.
My point was exactly that. You're talking a long term relationship. I'm talking about marriage. You fail to see a difference between the two. I see it quite clearly.
A relationship, by definition, is an association of two seperate, distinct entities. A relationship defines how they relate (hence the use of the word). Easily returned to it's composite parts.
A marriage is a joining of two seperate, distinct entities, into a new whole. No long two, but one. Inseperable.
See the difference? If not, don't worry. It seems few others do either, today.
As for Mrs. Bish ???? Was that a Freudian slip, or deliberate taunting?
Nixy said:Ok, be it JOP or in a church I see it as marriage...marriage is the joinign of two people it marriage if it's commonlaw?
MrBishop said:No slip of paper or fancy set of rings will change the outcome of that relationship one whit.
MrBishop said:Insepereable...I think not. Frankly..I've been Married and divorced. I've even toasted the fact that I got out of that Marriage, with you. Marriage is a type of relationship...two individuals who live together for long periods of time and grow into one. No slip of paper or fancy set of rings will change the outcome of that relationship one whit. Either the couple stays together or grows apart... slap on whatever terminology you want to the relationship...its the same, except in the eyes of the GVT which decides who may or may not get survivor benefits etc... there's a very good reason why many people choose merely to live together nowdays. The main difference between Married and common-law? The church blessing and the rigamarole that goes with it. I can't afford it now...may not be able to afford it for a while, but I get the feeling that the day after we get married...SFA will have changed with our relationship. Our parents might be happier for it...
"MrsBish"...neither taunting nor a slip. I've been referring to her as MrsBish in the same way as you refer to your kids as v.2 v.3 and v.4 it keeps her name off the internet and people know exactly about whom I am referring.