This has nothing to do with the point ive been making all along which you keep ignoring but ill play along since you want to avoid that apparently.
ResearchMonkey said:
Until early 1970’s homosexuality was defined as a mental disorder in the DSM (diagnostic statistical manual) it is still thought to be a D.O. by many professionals that fear to say so.
yes and before that it was widely held as a simple criminal act. And those that engaged in it were often brutalized or killed in the name of the devil. Progress takes time as you clearly point out here. It was also believed that masturbation causes blindness. Do you want to go back to that too? I can site you a thousand studies showing how many homosexuals are normal healthy individuals and aren’t broken basket cases in need of curing and altering.
Evelyn Hooker showed this quite clearly as far back as 1957 with her famous study. Her findings have since been replicated over and over again by many other researchers using a variety of different methods. (Armon, 1960; Hopkins, 1969; Siegelman, 1972; Freedman, 1971; Obison & Wilson, 1974; Thompson et al 1971; Wilson & Green, 1971; Saghir & Robins, 1973; Oberstone & Sukoneck, 1976; Adelman, 1977; Bell & Weinberg, 1978; Hart et al 1978). All of these studies and many more proved that homosexuals were no different in maturity or psychological adjustment to heterosexuals. So as you can see evidence has been overwhelming. But ill wait for you to write ALL of it off as liberal hot air.
There is also a an attempt top change Pedophilia D.O. and the consensual age of 18, an arbitrary age, to 13 years old.
where the heck do you get this from? If anything the last twenty years have seen a swing in the opposite direction. Age of consent has increased across the board in just about every state. Who in the world do you think is going to stand up to champion the cause of rolling it back to 13 in this political climate exactly? Im seriously dubious of your data here.
In fact homosexuals have a much higher rate if mental illness all across the board in every category. They are 3-4 times higher in phobias, depression, disassociative D.O. etc. Homosexuals are 6 times more likely to attempt suicide. And you say all this is “because of the social pressures of homophobia”. But those numbers are from a recent validated comprehensive study in the [/font]Netherlands where homosexuality marriage is legal and the homosexual stigma is not prevalent. The numbers in the US are higher. (NEMISES, NIH, Archives of General Psychiatry 2001).
hmm I find that interesting that that study was done in 2001 and yet it wasn’t legal to be married in the Netherlands until April 1, 2001. So either that was an awfully quick study or your doing a blatant bait and switch with the truth by saying oh homosexuals are all stick wackos despite only being able to legally wed there recently. Kind of like saying that brown v. board of education brought blacks to an equal footing with whites educationally in six months. Im afraid progress doesn’t work that quickly. And yes being treated like scum and being told you are deviant and sick and a sinner and in need of alteration DOES lead to a higher level of psychopathology then not having all that stuff said to you. is this so hard a concept for you to grasp?
They also have found that a fully 85% of new HIV cases in the Netherlands come from legally married homosexuals. Thus leading one to conclude that there is promiscuity to be had in these commitments of marriage.
again how can you have data that comes from studies done the same year as when marriage was made legal to begin with? This is horrendous manipulation of data on your part. Basically what you are saying is that a slow acting infectious disease occurs higher in percentage within people who up to that point weren’t allowed to marry and officially join in a commited relationship. What a shock! Do a study in 10 years and that will be useful data.
In the United States 60% of new male infections are homosexuals, 15% are from heterosexuals (*including some people that will not admit to homosexual relations) and 25% from IV use, some of which are also gay (CDC).
what are you trying to prove here exactly? that AIDS spreads faster among homosexuals who don’t have the option of a legal and official marriage relationship? Wouldn’t that be supporting my point that they should be allowed one then?
Due to the unhealthy physical attributes of homosexual behaviors, the rate of disease in homosexual men is many times higher in a plethora of conditions; HIV, HBV, HCV, HPV, rectal cancer, Chlamydia of the throat, etc. There are a number of diseases that are common among homosexuals and near non-existent in the heterosexual world as related to sexual transmission. (any number of sources)
and… again… are you arguing against marriage here? Or for it? Quick lets ban people from being able to form a legally binding commited monogamous relationship and then turn around and declare how immoral they are because they have sexual diseases and wont have relationships like we do! Baffling…
39% of men that report to be homosexual have been victims of homosexual preditation before becoming homosexuals in a recent comprehensive study in the US. (AJPH).
Please show me the source of this statistic. I could find nothing in any American Journal of Public Health that references this at all. Especially since you say it was recent. Id be curious to read the whole article and see the entire context. And the fact that it says “before becoming homosexual” makes me VERY dubious. This is the way many anti-gay propaganda sites talk. Not the way a respected journal would word their findings. This sounds like clever word play on the fact that gay kids can often be abused and have little recourse. Not an indication that one thing necessarily leads to another. The fact of the matter is Gay, lesbian and bisexual youth are at greater risk of abuse because they tend to be socially isolated and are easier targets. This has been shown in studies by Richardson, Meredith and Abbot in the Journal of Family Violence and by Savin-Williams in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. And yes you CAN look THOSE up.
Trying to dispel the predatory nature of homosexuality has been one of the focuses of the homosexual lobby; time and again it is shown to be happening.
boy what little credibility you had you completely lost here by trying desperately to paint homosexuals as sexual predators who feed on little boys. That’s a joke. Studies show that there is NO connection to homosexuality and child sexual abuse. It’s a well used anti gay tactic to site the predatory nature of homosexuals when there is absolutely nothing to point this out. In fact quite the opposite. In a well known study by Carole Jenny it was found that LESS THEN 1% of identified adult molesters were actually gay or lesbian. The fact is that the heterosexual partner of a relative is more likely to sexually abuse children than someone who is gay. What the anti gay gang likes to do is purposefully confuse homosexuality with pedophilia. But the fact of the matter is that the man who goes after young boys is typically not sexually interested in older men or in women. And yet they get labeled as “predatory gay” when in fact what they are is pedophilic.
The American Psychological Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American Academy of Child Psychiatrists and the Child Welfare League of America all have policy statements stating there is no correlation between homosexuality and child abuse.
When asked about this question, the American Psychiatric Association wrote to the Senate stating: "While we are all concerned by the issue of sexual abuse, there is no credible evidence that lesbians and gay men are more likely to commit such offenses than others. Gay men and lesbians do not pose any particular threat to youth and should not be singled out or discriminated against in any manner.”
Homosexuality is naturally prevalent in animals. No it isn’t.
you admit yourself there are numerous examples of homosexuality in nature. And yet you ignore the fact that BECAUSE it occurs in nature then IT MUST have some benefit to the organism displaying this trait. I listed many reasons why these could be beneficial in human populations which you refused to even acknowledge and waved off as “no data” and “speculation”. Well you can keep your head in the sand all you like but it wont change the fact that these actions DO occur. And no EVERY animal that displays homosexual behavior ISNT doing it because its sick or deformed. Its much too common and much to reacurring a phenomenon to be anything but a positive survival trait. Cases abound. Want a few?
Homosexuality does not occur as a part of a natural instinct. The behaviors that have been documented in healthy subjects always change to heterosexual behavior permently given time and maturity.
this is just straight forward bull shit. Where do you get crap like this from? Of COURSE it’s a natural instinct. And it certainly is NOT associated ONLY with youth. Ive already sited reasons why animals may act out homosexually in nature. You ignored those and then say this?! You just refuse to accept that fact that IF IT OCCURS IN NATURE WITH ANY PREVILANCE AND DURATION THEN THERE MUST BE A PURPOSE BEHIND ITS EXISTANCE THAT IS TO THE BENEFIT OF THE ORGANISM INVOLVED AND/OR ITS GENES! If that is true for many animals then it can certainly be true for humans too. Why is it THIS point you ALWAYS shrug off and refuse to address? Quite clearly because it’s a sound point that flies in the face of your propaganda.
The fact is that animal instinct can be over ridden by other natural instincts or traumas.
what are you getting at with this statement exactly?
Heterosexuality has been proven to be hardwired and serves a purpose in nature. It is undeniably the natural intention of biological evolution.
what kind of nonsensical wording is this? Heterosexuality is the “natural intention of biological evolution”? that doesn’t even mean anything. And of course heterosexuality serves a purpose in nature. So does altruism. So does infanticide. So does selective monogamy and so can homosexuality! That’s what you just aren’t seeing.
Thru very heavy political intervention and unethical promotion of homosexuals by other homosexuals into positions of power; the movement has become the single most powerful lobby in the world
ha ha! Yes all these secret gays in power who are really running everything. Just like the jews im to assume? That’s pretty rich. The most powerful lobby in the world? Funny I thought that was the pentagon.
This is a case where science is giving way to political correctness. In the long run science will prevail.
ha one can only hope.

for without science we’d still be teaching creationism in schools and homosexuals would still be arrested as deviants and openly abused without recourse.
I have been threatend with opposing facts, I have yet to see any.
perhaps you should try taking your hands off your eyes then and actually reading.

See no evil… hear no evil…
But whats most amazing to me is how so many of your arguments only supports the very notion of bringing MARRIAGE to a group that would most benefit from its commitment aspects. You go on and on about the deviant nature of homosexuals and how they just spread diseases and engage in risky behavior and have way too much sex and yet when two of them want to make a life long commitment to each other in the name of love you tell them NO YOU CANT. Well what abject hypocrisy. Does this really make sense to you?