I agree, that the most qualified
person should be hired for a job, whatever the job. I also think that there are some jobs out there that are just not suitable for the majority of women.
In the case of those prison guards, I'm curious if we're getting the whole story. I have to wonder if the men received traing and the women didn't...or the women applied to a position for a womens facility and got assigned to one for men. Whateven the reason, those women
should get special training. All the guards should receive special training. It's a shitty job and the need for prison guards is NOT diminishing.
Now, back to the original thought.
LL is all worried that he
might be discriminated against, for a job he hasn't even applied for yet, because some woman might get hired instead of him. It's a thinly veiled attempt at bashing women. I'm getting really sick of it. I've been in the construction industry since LL was in kindergarten. I can tell you discrimination does still exist. My work has to be exceptional or I get called on it.....because I'm a girl. This is not bullshit or paranoia, it's simply a fact. LL should spend more time studying english and less time worrying about the potential discrimination he might encounter.
....and for the record. I
can tote an 80 pound bag of masonry from point A to point B....but if I had to tote 500 of them, I'd use a fork lift or a pallette jack.