any good weekend plans out there?

Shadowfax said:
Are you planning on writing one? Or are you already writing? What genre is it? Storyline?

Oh, maybe I could read some of it some time! :)

I've been working on for about 2 years now. (Mostly planning - it's designed to have sequels - but I've written little bits of it too)
It's really weird when you learn how people must write books. It's totally all over the place and un-methodical.
Like...I haven't even sorted it all properly yet. But I've already written the last paragraph of the whole story word for word!

It's hard to explain. It's kind of a children's book, but the type that everyone reads. Like Harry Potter or Adrian Mole.

The genre is a little hazy too. I would say...fantasy/sci-fi.

Want to know anymore? :D (I love talking about writing!)
Scanty said:
It's really weird when you learn how people must write books. It's totally all over the place and un-methodical.
Like...I haven't even sorted it all properly yet. But I've already written the last paragraph of the whole story word for word!

Genius at work :headbang:
Scanty said:
It's hard to explain. It's kind of a children's book, but the type that everyone reads. Like Harry Potter or Adrian Mole.

The genre is a little hazy too. I would say...fantasy/sci-fi.

Want to know anymore? :D (I love talking about writing!)

Those kind of books are always good to read! Although Harry Potter is a childrens book, and Adrian Mole too, I read all of them, and even enjoyed it!

*hides for all the shouting and pointing*

And of course I like to know more! :)
Definitely! I never seriously thought I was going to be a writer but always enjoyed writing short stories from time to time. My boyfriend is a damn good writer also...

Do you find writing in the morning is better for you? Rusty (my bf) always did--less distractions... :)

As for my weekend plans, I'm going shopping for the perfect present for my Godson tomorrow because he's being christened tomorrow night. Sunday is the party at my sister's house and I'm going out there early so I can help setup and stuff. She has a great house (just got it) and there are going to be about 80 people there so it should be quite a celebration! Oh and I have orders from my Mom to bring my camera for a big family picture... Wish me luck on getting all of them in one place for a picture!

The main character's a boy - 12 years old.
The secondary character is this 20-something girl who just kicks everyone's ass.
It takes place in another part of this galaxy.

and um... The storyline will ultimately have a lot to do with the ideas of quantum theory...

So now I've made it sound like the tackiest piece of literature ever...

*runs and hides*
greenfreak said:
Do you find writing in the morning is better for you?

Actually I'm almost completely nocturnal! (Or I would be if the rest of my family wasn't trying to live in the same house as me!)

All my inspiration comes at night. From about midnight onwards. That's when I have the most ideas and also when I'm most awake. Then I just can't stop writing...
Wow! So I'm not the only one around who is more alive at night than during the day! :)

I'm really eager to read something when you've finished a chapter! Be sure to let me now :)
If you need a mailaddress or something, just ask :)

*good give good info on cams, other one writes books...*
There is one thing that I would love for you to read. It's the prologue.

I'm not completely happy with it yet...and it's a bit heavy...but I would really appreciate your opinion! :D
:rolleyes: crying, schmying...I set up the weather to work without my interference, except for some of the nude shows I get :D

I will see what I can do :biker:
i might consider trying to get win2k on this rig.

or i might do some webdesign, my site needs work

i shall certainly be listening to the ipswich football webcast :)

i have 2 magazine pieces to do work on, i think i shall be pressed to do those, not forgetting in the uk it s a bank holiday monday *w00t!!*

i shall not be making random calls to people.
Oahu is nice, but too hot! So I am going home tommorrow. Sick as it is I am a Washington boy....born and bred. I wouldn't trade my home for anywhere. I will be happy to get home. Besides, my dog misses me.
Yesterday I went up to the top of Mt. Diablo about 4000ft. I suspect the base is at about 400ft. Tomorrow I'm thinking of going to Mt. Shasta where there have been a few bigfoot sightings. I may have to move from this place soon and I will be sad.