any good weekend plans out there?

I'd thought I wasn't doing anything, but I've just remembered we'd planned to go to Wal-mart for back to school shopping WOOHOO! :rolleyes:

6 pair of shoes is just the beginning :crying3:
ris said:
that reminds me, wallpaper to make :)

Yeah! :smash: Get on that, willya?? :)

I have to go find something perfectly sentimental for my Godson today. I hate buying clothes, but I have no idea what to get. I've done the baby book thing... Oooh I just had an idea. Maybe I should get a baby photo album, something that details the pictures as he grows older and then I can take the pictures and give them to her as he gets older. It's the gift that keeps on giving... :D
Me and my cuz, Rachel, are gonna make cheese straws (woohoo!), and then we're gonna watch Austin Powers. :D

...I finally went on topic. :laugh:
That's a nice idea, Trish, make sure you do give her pictures for it though, or it'll end up empty like most of mine :lol:

Unc, the Wal-mart is about 45 min away, in Barrie (where Bendovers is. :D) There are also a bunch of computer type stores there, so I'm taking some time out to look at burners too while we're out.
I just looked in my closet to figure out what I was going to wear to the christening tonight. Everything is either way too big (fat-fat clothes) or too small (skinny-skinny clothes).

Now if only I had fat-skinny clothes, I would be fine. I have to go to the mall to get the present anyway so I may as well buy a new outfit for myself right? Then, of course, I'll need shoes to match... :)
markjs said:
Oahu is nice, but too hot! So I am going home tommorrow. Sick as it is I am a Washington boy....born and bred. I wouldn't trade my home for anywhere. I will be happy to get home. Besides, my dog misses me.

Hope the people here showed you a good time!
Was your dog happy to see you?