Spam is expensive too

I guess if I try and stretch it through several meals it's not too bad.
My brothers have mostly calmed down and now have their anger directed toward dad's wife when she's around. I really don't approve of her methods of "parenting" and overbearingness, but she isn't really doing legally provable harm to them. I never feel comfortable around her or her family because of the way she treats the kids and the way she treats me when we're out. She once told me that I reflect badly on my mother because of the way I hold my fork.
At least she's not a drunk.
Myself, I'm doing a bit better now that I've got some income. Tends to boost the self-esteem the more self-sufficient I get. I'm still bumming money off of dad for small things like my cell phone bill, sometimes gas money, and the occasional transmission rebuild. But I pay $582/mo in rent, $80/mo in power, $120-200/mo for lunch at work, $180-250/mo in gas (depending on the prices and my driving habits), $198/mo for my server, and $too much/mo for my credit card bills (until that loan comes through) which all adds up to a lot of stuff that I am able to pay most of the time. Makes me feel like I'm starting to become a producer rather than a consumer.
It's amazing what a boost having a good job and a fun place to work at gives you. $14/hr for programming, playing around with computer and audio equipment, and being an unofficial IT guy (fixing most the problems introduced by the official IT department here) ain't too bad at all.