Anyone remember any other American president doing this?


Well-Known Member

President Obama bows to Saudi Arabia King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud.

Judging by the smiles on everybody's faces, I would've guessed something else was about to happen.
It has been eight years since we had a president that showed respect for other countries, so the answer is "no", and quite honestly, I'm surprised jimpeel noticed the diplomacy taking place. My GOD, man! Look at that! A U.S. president being respectful. My, my, how long it has been.

It is a pleasant change to know a majority of world leaders are getting and giving America respect. They look at us as a world leader and do so peacefully. The past eight years has been a public relations disaster and nothing worth reflecting upon as noteworthy. And Cheney is still trying to screw anything that deviates from his asinine new world order plan and all he does with his continued commentary is make himself look the ass he is. At least President Bush is smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

For what it is worth, I'm glad to see President Obama give respect to the Arabs. And not only the Arabs but every foreign leader. Why did America waste time trying to build a new world order when it is obvious other nations look to us to lead ? Just think of the lives that might have been saved and the relationship America might have been able to enjoy had we stayed the course by working with other nations instead of doing our best to beat them into submission or generally aggravate them.
But there is no need to rehash old discussions when neo-conservative republicans blindly follow the lead of the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and others like them into the cesspool of whatever dreams they have for America.
So now we have a President who is respectful, has shown his ability to be a world leader, is capable of settling disputes between other nations, is working with them to resolve the situations in Iraq, Afghanistan and the world economy and is being looked upon, and yes, being asked to be the world leader the international community wants as a standard bearer.

And that has got to make neo-con republicans, who think the only answer to any problem is to beat the crap out of someone who fails to agree with them, shudder and walk around scratching their heads.

In the real world, America can't afford to piss other nations off. In the real world, we are not strong enough to rule the world. In the real world America wins more through diplomacy than from physical or verbal bashing.
he's right cato.

bush, to the rest of the world, seemed like the belligerent ass that putin seems like to us.
The issue is, he bowed down to the King of Saudi Arabia. The hand holding w/Bush was a show of alliance.

This was an indication of subservience. Subjects of the King are expected to bow.

0bama is supposed to be the PoTUS. A handshake, a headnod, a pat on the shoulder, but not a bow.

This country is servile to none other.

Oh, wait. Now it is for 4 years. Thanks, Obots.

either that or he was doing something radical like recognizing and respecting local custom.

or perhaps you don't recognize that there are sets customary practices other than your own.

gee, shocking.
I for one with somewhat conservative values, am not going to judge
these relationships, until I see signs, either negative or positive.
either that or he was doing something radical like recognizing and respecting local custom.

or perhaps you don't recognize that there are sets customary practices other than your own.

gee, shocking.

Kinda like the same way the Queen was respected?

Actually now that you mention it....No I haven't, not yet anyway, I am just feeling a wealth of sarcasm today! I really don't drink much but we are going out later so perhaps.