Anyone remember any other American president doing this?

You'd think that eventually even they would get bored.

You'd be wrong though.
Who are we to believe?

0bama or our lying eyes?

White House: No bow to Saudi

The White House is denying that the president bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London, a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets.

"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah," said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

With that bow he loosened the reputation of the office he holds for this nation and the reputation he holds before the entire world. It was a gesture of fawning subservience. It was bootlicking, groveling, servitude. Even King Abdullah laughed at the little appeasement fool.
Make up your mind on whether this was a bow or not.

The White House is lying about his holding the Saudi Prince's hand with both hands as Obama's left hand was on his left leg.

The press is lying that he was picking something up from the floor because his left hand never goes below the level of his left knee.

It seems that the White House is running away from this event as fast as they ran from the birth certificate issue.


White House: Bow? What bow?
posted at 4:40 pm on April 8, 2009 by Ed Morrissey

I really wasn’t going to write about this again, mostly because I was convinced that the national media had let Barack Obama off the hook completely for his tradition- and protocol-breaking bow to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. However, Ben Smith reports that the White House has now been asked about it, thanks to a Washington Times editorial scolding Obama for the move — and that they’re denying it ever happened:

The White House is denying that the president bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London, a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets.

“It wasn’t a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he’s taller than King Abdullah,” said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The Washington Times called it the alleged bow a “shocking display of fealty to a foreign potentate,” and said it violated centuries of American tradition of not deferring to royalty. The Weekly Standard, meanwhile, noted, that American protocol apparently rules out bowing, or at least it reportedly did on the occasion of a Clinton “near bow” to the Emperor of Japan.

Interestingly, a columnist in the Saudi-backed Arabic paper Asharq Alawsat also took the gesture as a bow, and appreciated the move.

No bow? You tell me. Obama’s a lot taller than Queen Elizabeth, too, so compare the two greetings for yourself:


Originally, the excuse that had gotten floated around the media was that Obama was picking something off the floor. This video pretty much destroys that excuse:


Note also that this shows clearly that Obama did not “grasp [Abdullah's] hand with both hands”; Obama’s left hand is in plain view, on his left leg, as he executes the deep-waisted bow.

Will the media finally report this, as Ben Smith did, now that the White House is trying to deny the obvious and rewrite history? Or will they continue to sit silently while Obama tinkles on their heads and calls it rain?

Maybe Obama was saying "Wow, are those Armani shoes?"

Bush making out with the Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah ... how sweet. You can see tongue in that pic. I wonder who was on top later? Or do you think protocol dictated that they take turns on each other?
0bama burns our house down and all some people's response is is to point out that Bush struck a match. :rolleyes:

He did what is customary in the muslim world: the tradition of bowing in deference to a muslim king. :shrug:

"I did not have genuflectual relations with that monarch, King Abdullah."
:rofl2: "burns our house down".... :lol2:
Jeeze! hilarious!

I did see a video and it appears that he did bow, although King Abdullah is much shorter. He should not have done so, same with any other ruler of any other nation, and that includes Queen Mickey Mouse in England.

However... "burns our house down"????
LOL!!! The melodrama!
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire! We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn! :rofl:
She's a regular traveling internet bulletin board side show! If Obama were even 1/10th as bad as she wishes, their would be an armed rebellion on, or in the works.
I did see a video and it appears that he did bow, although King Abdullah is much shorter.

Shorter, but no bow:


Didn't you point out that a height discrepancy would call for a bow when shaking hands? Or maybe it was for one person only?
The question is... where is his hand and how far did he have to bend to reach it?

But again... I present a picture of Bush in a provocative, homosexual situation with King Abdullah...

Note that their mouths are slightly open... and their tongues are perched at their lower teeth, ready to slip into each others' mouths.
Another view...

Later, after their homosexual exploration has exhausted them... they take a stroll. Tenderly holding each others' hand... romantic.