Anyone remember this classic?


Well-Known Member
The philosopher's bad joke:

Descartes walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender asks if he wants it on the rocks. Descartes says, "I think not" ... and disappears.
A baby seal walks into a bar. The bartender asks what he'll have, and he says, "anything but a Canadian Club."
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender servesthe beer, at which point the neutron asks how much it will cost. "For you," says the bartender, "no charge."
Two hydrogen atoms are enjoying a drink at a bar when one of them exclaims, "I think I've lost an electron!" The other asks, "are you sure?" The first one says, "yes, I'm positive."
A man, hoping to win a local newspaper's pun contest, sent in ten. He hoped one of them would win, but unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
A man is talking to his wife in the morning, and he mentions that the prior night he dreamed of a snowstorm in Panama,
"Ah," said the wife, "you were dreaming of a white isthmus."
The pirate was poor both in soul and in riches. His beauty was only skin-deep and his booty was only shin-deep.
Q: What do you call a man who eats wheat despote knowing he's allergic to it?
A: A gluten for punishment.
Did you hear about the bailiff that was moonlighting as a bartender? He served subpoena coladas.
After the truck driver passed his mountain driving skills test, he remarked that he was happy to have made the grade.
A farmer originally had 196 head of cattle. So how did he end up with 200? He rounded 'em up.
Buffalo, NY became a city in 1832. Plans are underway to celebrate the 2032 Bison-tennial.
I got a letter in the mail that was soaking wet. I complained at the post office and they told me it must have had postage dew.
The meteorologist was stubbornly convinced of the accuracy of his theory on air currents. He had the air of a man of strong convections.