Anyone remember this classic?

The latest trend is carrying water in a pail... but like any trend, some people prefer to bucket.
Q: What do you call a deadly dinosaur that spends its days pondering the meaning of life?
A: A philosoraptor.
I would advise all shepherds to avoid driving their flocks through town today. The police are cracking down on illegal ewe-turns.
Ever notice that groups of lions move on before autumn hits? Indeed, the pride goeth before the fall.
Did you hear about the radical segment of the woodworker's union? They broke off and formed a splinter group.
Did you hear about the band director who stood on a metal ladder and directed his band during the lightning storm? He wasn't hit, but the band sounded terrible. I guess he was a poor conductor.
Why do all the garden gnomes in large cities tick 120 times per minute?

Because they're metro-gnomes!
I guess you could say a priest who thinks a little too highly of himself has an altar ego.
Scientists have discovered a new species of nomadic tree in the African rainforest. Apparently it just packs up its trunk and leaves.