Anyone want a biscuit?

Main Entry: bis·cuit
Pronunciation: 'bis-k&t
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural biscuits also biscuit
Etymology: Middle English bisquite, from Middle French bescuit, from (pain) bescuit twice-cooked bread
Date: 14th century

Main Entry: cook·ie
Variant(s): or cooky /'ku-kE/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural cook·ies
Etymology: Dutch koekje, diminutive of koek cake
Date: 1703
1 : a small flat or slightly raised cake

Main Entry: scone
Pronunciation: 'skOn, 'skän
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from Dutch schoonbrood fine white bread, from schoon pure, clean + brood bread
Date: 1513
: a rich quick bread cut into usually triangular shapes and cooked on a griddle or baked on a sheet

no wonder you have so many wars :biker:
looks like a rock bun that does. we'd probly call that a scone too.

i can't work out why you guys gt so worked up about this, chips and fries, cookies and biscuits, the constant fucking whining that colour is spelt wrong.

its just different, clearly the world outside the states cannot be different from yours or you can't cope. :rolleyes:
Actually, in British English you never drop an "e" before adding "ing" to a word. The Americans started dropping the "e" and it is now common usage, even in Great Britain. For example: "routeing" vs. "routing"
I think they're just trying to get us back for the fact that the whole flippin' language they speak is still called ENGLISH.
oh jesus fucking christ does it really matter? That just sounds so picky and weak.
Loads of good stuff has come out of both America and England.
ris said:
looks like a rock bun that does. we'd probly call that a scone too.

i can't work out why you guys gt so worked up about this, chips and fries, cookies and biscuits, the constant fucking whining that colour is spelt wrong.

its just different, clearly the world outside the states cannot be different from yours or you can't cope. :rolleyes:

rofl, its just um, strange to see people go against the mainstream.... A lot of the time I don't immediately get what you mean (ie burgers and chips -> burgers and fries). Its still better than Australian though... I don't know what they are talking about HALF the time. :D

This reminds me.... If you speak Quebec French, don't try to speak French in France... they are much worse to the Quebecois compared to American/British... :p
Geez ... and this all started out with a little biscuit/cookie/whatever-the-hell-you-wanna-call-it .. :D
LastLegionary said:
Lets for sake of clarity call it an Object of type Edible.

:laugh: :headbang:

Yeah, 'Does anyone want an Object of type Edible?' doesn't have quite the same ring though, does it? :D
LastLegionary said:
rofl, its just um, strange to see people go against the mainstream.... A lot of the time I don't immediately get what you mean (ie burgers and chips -> burgers and fries). Its still better than Australian though... I don't know what they are talking about HALF the time. :D

its the mind-numbingly narrow assumption that your lifestyles and ways are the 'mainstream' that is the issue. things are different here, subtle, small things in the most from your own. differences should be celebrated and explored, discovered and understood.

not constant bleating over which is better. neither is because they are in essence the same. and ridiculing the difference merely demonstrates insecurity.
Gonz said:
these are biscuits


Cool, scones. How very English of you to post a picture of scones...
Did you hear the one about the guy that drowned in a bowl of muesli?

He was pulled under by a strong currant. :blank: