Main Entry: bis·cuit
Pronunciation: 'bis-k&t
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural biscuits also biscuit
Etymology: Middle English bisquite, from Middle French bescuit, from (pain) bescuit twice-cooked bread
Date: 14th century
Main Entry: cook·ie
Variant(s): or cooky /'ku-kE/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural cook·ies
Etymology: Dutch koekje, diminutive of koek cake
Date: 1703
1 : a small flat or slightly raised cake
Main Entry: scone
Pronunciation: 'skOn, 'skän
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from Dutch schoonbrood fine white bread, from schoon pure, clean + brood bread
Date: 1513
: a rich quick bread cut into usually triangular shapes and cooked on a griddle or baked on a sheet
no wonder you have so many wars
Pronunciation: 'bis-k&t
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural biscuits also biscuit
Etymology: Middle English bisquite, from Middle French bescuit, from (pain) bescuit twice-cooked bread
Date: 14th century
Main Entry: cook·ie
Variant(s): or cooky /'ku-kE/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural cook·ies
Etymology: Dutch koekje, diminutive of koek cake
Date: 1703
1 : a small flat or slightly raised cake
Main Entry: scone
Pronunciation: 'skOn, 'skän
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from Dutch schoonbrood fine white bread, from schoon pure, clean + brood bread
Date: 1513
: a rich quick bread cut into usually triangular shapes and cooked on a griddle or baked on a sheet
no wonder you have so many wars