Arafat may allow peace

Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

There are many different kinds of smart. He may be cunning and devious but he is definetely not wise.
Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

It's the cunning and devious which makes me feel that he'd NEVER leave this decision open to anyone but himself. There is a second out there.
Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

Leslie said:
It's the cunning and devious which makes me feel that he'd NEVER leave this decision open to anyone but himself. There is a second out there.

I've been following this guy for many years Leslie and i gotta say i think you're wrong. This man sees himself as the Leader of the nation of Israel/Palestine. I don't think he actually believes he's going to die. There will be nothing set in stone if he dies. He won't hand over power before then for fear of losing power if he actually lives.
Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

I'm very interested to find out (Hopefully it'll be sooner rather than's not as if I'm rootin' for the dude). But whether by general policy, or by his own hand, I'm sure there is a fallback second in command. The guy has been expecting to be randomly blown up for eons now.
Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

ekahs retsam said:
wouldn't it be Israel/Palestine not Iran, unless i'm missing something too.

Brain off...putting it together too fast. Mea Culpa.
Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

MrBishop said:
Brain off...putting it together too fast. Mea Culpa.
what's funny Bish, and far worse, is that I seriously was wracking my brains to figure out how I'd missed something to do with Arafat/Iran. :lloyd:
Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

Leslie said:
what's funny Bish, and far worse, is that I seriously was wracking my brains to figure out how I'd missed something to do with Arafat/Iran. :lloyd:

Same here
Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

Leslie said:
I'm very interested to find out (Hopefully it'll be sooner rather than's not as if I'm rootin' for the dude). But whether by general policy, or by his own hand, I'm sure there is a fallback second in command. The guy has been expecting to be randomly blown up for eons now.

Having a second in command would make him a bigger target. If he's the ONLY one in power, anyone knowing this would hesitate in an assasination ploy. If there had been a second in command, Arafat would've dissapeared long ago.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

MrBishop said:
Having a second in command would make him a bigger target. If he's the ONLY one in power, anyone knowing this would hesitate in an assasination ploy. If there had been a second in command, Arafat would've dissapeared long ago.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Unless retribution from the second in command was considered an option. I wouldn't go kill bob if bob's friends would hunt me down and kill me or worse.
Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

ekahs retsam said:
Unless retribution from the second in command was considered an option. I wouldn't go kill bob if bob's friends would hunt me down and kill me or worse.
Yeah...but if Bob's friend wants Bob's job... that's a whole other story.
Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

Leslie said:
what's funny Bish, and far worse, is that I seriously was wracking my brains to figure out how I'd missed something to do with Arafat/Iran. :lloyd:

I can make something up...erm...gimme a second.

Aah yes. Throwing Palestine into a power-struggle would cause new alliances to form. If a place like Iran, who's not all that fond of Isreal, decided to support one person/party in Palestine militarily knowing that this would throw Isreal into a fit...that'd be an issue. A power struggle of any type in the middle east is a recipie for disaster and chaos. Look at Iraq....barely under control, and that's with 150,000+ troops in the country trying to police it.

I'm wondering if Israel would take advantage of the death of Arafat to invade, once and for all. Would Iraqui militants try to attack Israel along with the new Palestine along two fronts? Take more soil back for Palestine?

How about a monetary donation to a person/party that would support an alliance with Iran?

Wow...I'm good at this. I should become a conspiracy theorist!!

Hmmm.... DrBishop - Doctorate in theoretical Conspiritism
Re: Arafat grieviously Ill - Future of Iran

Leslie said:
I would assume that there is a second in command. These are not stupid men. :shrug:

No? Arafat has been in charge for about 45 years. Have you seen one shred of improvement?
OK - there are 4 major 'players' up for the post should Arafat die.

Ahmed Queria (67) - PM of the Palestinian Authority..close to Arafat. Not a lot of power with the PLO and not popular with the 4.5million Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza

Mahmoud Abbas (69) - Deputy of the PLO - often seen during negotiations with US and Israel. He's old guard PLO and not popular with the younger population

Marwan Barghouti (44) - Second most popular person in all of Palestine (after Arafat). He's in proson though...serving 5 consecutive life sentences for attacks on Israeli citizens. The'yd have to break him out first.

Mohammad Dahlan (43) - Chief of security for Gaza, backed by his own militia. He's a good 'politician' with experience working through Israel.

2 old school, 1 radical new school PLO and one moderate (though armed) PLO member.

If/when Arafat dies...we're talking about three major events happening!

1) The burial of Arafat. They may want to bury him at teh Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem's Old City. This is an Israeli nightmare...imagine several hundred thousand Palestinians walking into the heart of Jerusalem? HUGE ISSUE!!

2) The power struggle between these 4 gentlemen. There hasn't been anything resembling an election process in close to 50 years now. It ain't going to suddenly get organized and work out well.

3) Gaza strip issues - Gaza is effectivly a prison town. It's borders, roads and airspace are controlled by Israel. It's a high-pressure area where terrorists thrive. The people are pissed off in there, and rightly so. Prisoners for no crime and their land being re-settled. This pot might boil over.