Its tough man!
No over-nighters, period! Jus' seein' one another for a brief few hours per day on Wednesday eves., (when I have my children), an' on weekends, as well as LOTS of phone time daily!
I haven't even spanked lately, no real desire to. She never has nor will she. Jus' ain't the same, as ya know.
We pretty much know that we needn't drink much wine when we're together, as that whole, 'inhibition to the wind' mentality thing has cost us a couple of 'set backs' in the past.
Also bein' busily involved in the wedding plannin' an' house-search type stuff has kept us both more occupied, in our 'downtimes', which has helped.
Overall, we're experiencing sucess through this experience, an' abstainin' continues to reaffirm our sense of commitment, an' sense of belongin' to one another!
She's so awesome! Couldn't have asked for anyone sweeter or more suitable girl, to be my life-mate!
Both lookin' very eagerly to the Day!