Again it's probably just the guys i've been with, some do try and when *they* think they've given enough, they'll stop and move on to sex, if i have to stop them and say i still need more, well it tends to make them impatient/ taken aback, foreplay will men is so striaght forward most of the time those more small minded people (who i seem to always end up with
) think its the same with everyone!
Ah i think my problem just comes down to stupidity and closed minds.
Btw, i wouldn't have a problem at all telling people where i like it and how, except i havent been with anyone whos done anything down there sucessfully enough for me to know myself :/
Ah i think my problem just comes down to stupidity and closed minds.

Btw, i wouldn't have a problem at all telling people where i like it and how, except i havent been with anyone whos done anything down there sucessfully enough for me to know myself :/