Are your online friends as important as your IRL friends?


  • I don't have IRL friends

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • I don't have Online friends

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • I prefer online buds to my IRL ones

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I prefer my IRL friends, this is 'just' the internet

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • About Equal

    Votes: 9 30.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I have lots of friend yearly BBQ proves taht to me, just in the bills alone, and I also have lots of online friends, which my email box and MSN contacts shows easily.
I'm unlikely to meet most of my online buds, mostly because of the rules of Geography and Accounting (I can't afford to fly to Australia, Japan, Ohio etc...all that often), but I find that my online buds are as important as those I do see IRL.
What do you think?
I would say that I care for my online "friends" and enjoy emailing and chatting with them. But when it comes to investing emotions, I try not to do that. Don't mean to sound mean, but worrying and caring too much for someone on the other end of the 'Netverse doesn't make a lot of sense to me. That said, I do have a rare few (1-3) people that I haven't met in real life but do care for and would be extremely flustered if anything happened to them.

Though, I'd definately say the very few real life friends I have are much more important to me.

Both types of friends serve their purpose, though. And that's friendship no matter how you look at it.

The people I meet online, I care for them, and have had some great freindships.

But the people, who I see, who I hang out with, sho can offer me a beer, they are the close close friends, who know my inner demons, who I can really cut lose with.

Not to say that I don't like my online friends, it's just...diffrent?
I have many online acquaintances who I laugh with & poke about with. Only two online people I consider real friends (one here & one somewhere else).

But my IRL friends mean the world to me & I wouldn't trade them for anything.
I'm with Rose, there may be a very very select few online friends I actually care about. I treasure my real life friends, but the online variety just don't matter too much to me.

I used to put them on an equal footing... but no longer as it hard to tell who is really your friend from day to day and who is just using you or playing you up. Granted, there are some solid internet friends that have never done an illbegotten act and I still hold in high esteem... but its just a small percentage. My IRL friends are 99% solid and we would all take a bullet for each other and not hesitate to lend a hand in time of need. I cannot say that about many internet friends. I have to classify people on the net as friends that you have in school as you travel from class to class and semester to semester... youre as thick as thieves one moment being the best of confidants while sitting in desks side by side to each other in whatever class is being taught... but as soon as the semester ends you don't see them nearly as much, and faze quickly from the minds eye. The human animal is deep down a social creature and our innermost instincts require the sights, sounds, smells, and touch of others to be a subtle part of the bonding ritual. This raw intellecutal data is only one dimension of how the brain defines and recongnizes friends or members of the 'clan' as it were. 1000 posts of soul-searching rhetoric is no match for a weekend side by side in a fishing boat talking about the little things of life.
AlphaTroll said:
Own conclusions to be drawn then..............:hmm: SWINGER's R US ????????? ;)

:D ........ trust you to remember that! :winkkiss:

Guess I better fill in the conclusions ........ before Trolley gets me into trouble ;)

There are a coupla folks online I really care about :) IE those whom I would make real efforts to help out if I needed to.

RL friends.........yeah, they are important to me, I do what I can for them.

As for seperating the importance of RL and OL friends.........I dunno, the OL friends I've met up with have sometimes become real friends...and sometimes we just settled back into only connecting through the net.
unclehobart said:
1000 posts of soul-searching rhetoric is no match for a weekend side by side in a fishing boat talking about the little things of life.
Very well put.
bleach said:
:D ........ trust you to remember that! :winkkiss:

Guess I better fill in the conclusions ........ before Trolley gets me into trouble ;)

There are a coupla folks online I really care about :) IE those whom I would make real efforts to help out if I needed to.

Me? Get you into trouble? Never!!!!! :evilcool: :winkkiss:

Yeah, it's true folks - the man would sponsor a liver if needed :D
Hell, fucking, no they aren't. Real people still provide too much of humanity in social interaction then faceless screen names.
This is just the internet. Unc fairly well covered it.

Real friends can come from here but upon initial face to face, they are really just strangers that you've occassioned a cordial nod of the head or a "How ya doin'" without giving a crap either way.

Sadly, caution is always advised.