As Toledo burns


molṑn labé
Staff member
A nazi group, planning to march in Toledo Ohio, protesting violence against whites by black gang members were denied their Constitutional right to free expression when the gang members, and other members of the black community rioted & burned businesses & homes.

These actions give creedence to these idiot groups. Too bad for those who recall Kings dream.


Video avaiable here
Lemme see if I got this right

A white supremicist group want to protest violence against white people by black gangs.
So they choose to march in a black neighbourhood, spouting off anti-black propoganda.

Great idea!

Police presence to protect the white-supremicists.
Voila... the police become targets.

The video is impressive.
What a clusterfuck.
I am always left aghast at rioting. "We don't like what's happening, and to solve it we're gonna burn our neighborhood down." :retard2: Yeah, that'll show 'em...

As to the march itself, they have certain rights guaranteed to them, same as the rest of us. I don't support their agenda, but they have the right to march if they choose to march. Just as I have the right to completely ignore them and their cause.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I am always left aghast at rioting. "We don't like what's happening, and to solve it we're gonna burn our neighborhood down." :retard2: Yeah, that'll show 'em...

As to the march itself, they have certain rights guaranteed to them, same as the rest of us. I don't support their agenda, but they have the right to march if they choose to march. Just as I have the right to completely ignore them and their cause.
Granted...but giving them 'several hundred' policemen to protect them in a march which seems specifically aimed at creating havok?

There was riot squad and tear gas there. The police knew what was going to go down, the local politicians knew when they refused them a license to march (on the streets)..hell, the Neo-nazis knew what'd happen. They went with it anyway.

Why? Because video of a bunch of black people throwing stones at cops, plus rioting etc, working it's way across the globe, plays with into the white-supremacists' hands. "See...we told ya dem nigga's was violent!"

Well played by the Nazis. Free press for what should've been an annoying but fruitless march.
MrBishop said:
Granted...but giving them 'several hundred' policemen to protect them in a march which seems specifically aimed at creating havok? .

As opposed to the queer marches everywhere???
Professur said:
As opposed to the queer marches everywhere???
Gay-pride parades:
a) don't require police-protection. The presence of the police is similar to that given to any legal marches. Traffic control.
b) don't get violent
c) don't preach hatred

Kinda like the Christmas Parade, ya know.

MrBishop said:
Why? Because video of a bunch of black people throwing stones at cops, plus rioting etc, working it's way across the globe, plays with into the white-supremacists' hands. "See...we told ya dem nigga's was violent!"

Well played by the Nazis. Free press for what should've been an annoying but fruitless march.

And who's to blame for that? I'm thinking it's the idiots who decided to riot.
Soooo...if a group with whom I do not agree decides to assemble/march/sell brownies/whatever, I am entitled to throw stones, riot, set fires, and generally display my baser side?

Look out DNC, here I come!
SouthernN'Proud said:
Soooo...if a group with whom I do not agree decides to assemble/march/sell brownies/whatever, I am entitled to throw stones, riot, set fires, and generally display my baser side?

Look out DNC, here I come!
Not necessarily...but there is a clause in the freedom of speech for 'fighting words'. They were basically asking for it...hell, almost begging for it. Guess what...they got it.

Pretty stupid on behalf of the population to fall for it that easily, hook line and sinker, but...
MrBishop said:
Not necessarily...but there is a clause in the freedom of speech for 'fighting words'.

Which allows for arrest and prosecution of the utterer. In no way does it allow violence towards any person.
MrBishop said:
Not necessarily...but there is a clause in the freedom of speech for 'fighting words'. They were basically asking for it...hell, almost begging for it. Guess what...they got it.

Pretty stupid on behalf of the population to fall for it that easily, hook line and sinker, but...

As opposed to each and every crime perpetrated by an African American being subjected to examination for racism?
Professur said:
As opposed to each and every crime perpetrated by an African American being subjected to examination for racism?

Hush now. We all know if it's a black victim, it's racism. If it's a black perpetrator, then they did it because they've been victims of racism.

Get it straight please. And do try to keep up in the future.
HomeLAN said:
Which allows for arrest and prosecution of the utterer. In no way does it allow violence towards any person.
It has been used succesfully as a defence for violence against the speaker.

Wouldn't this kind of speech (Hate mongering) in that neighbourhood be the equivalent of Inciting a Riot?
Yep. And the organizers can be arrested and so charged, without the benefit of free speech protection. See how that works? It still doesn't qualify as a get-out-of-jail-free card for assualt or destruction of property. That's on the (empty) heads of the people who did it.