As we scramble to ease our "guilty conscience"

Inkara1 said:
According to a few people that have posted here in the past, there would still be slaves to this day.

I still wonder why some people continue to debate this dead horse when its offspring are alive & well all over the planet (including the Americas). Couldn't/shouldn't they be off saving current slaves?
Yea, but it was a holy crusade to free the repressed massesand all that, so y'all immoral godless heathen rednecks need to quit yer bitchin!

W'all won, so git over it!

'cuz we're so much betta than you folks, 'cuz Hilary Clinton lives here! Y'all know that she's the bestest politician in the whole wide world. She decides what is in the best intrest of every person, assuming that that person has betta things to do than git a job and not live offa welfare!

:rofl3: I'll have some of what :elaugh1: is smoking, please. :laugh:
Y'all hear? Hilary Clinton fer '08!

Mark me words... mark 'em well, 'cuz you slave'ownin' heathens are gonna be brought ta' justice soon! Y'all gonna have to pay the kids of yer slaves!
Oh, and remind me to send that letter to Japan. They need to ease their consciences by sendin' me gramps a big ol' check for the time he spent whoopin' their asses from the deck of a battleship!
Winky ain't posted yet today.

OTC needs it's fix!

So I have bravely stepped in to temporarily fill his very big shoes.
Awww, y'all jokes are funny an' all, but y'all still git yer' asses whooped by the good ol' Northern States of America, ye barbarians!
Altron said:
Awww, y'all jokes are funny an' all, but y'all still git yer' asses whooped by the good ol' Northern States of America, ye barbarians!
Hey, I'm from New Yawk. Shall we discuss the mating habits of your mother???? :lol:
Oh, wow, really?

Want to install those helper springs? I'll hop up over the GW and we can have some old geezer/young whippersnap bonding over a V8!
Altron said:
Awww, y'all jokes are funny an' all, but y'all still git yer' asses whooped by the good ol' Northern States of America, ye barbarians!

:hmm: Care to start round two? I'll meet ya in Richmond. Just say the word, pally-o.
Altron said:
Oh, wow, really?

Want to install those helper springs? I'll hop up over the GW and we can have some old geezer/young whippersnap bonding over a V8!
I don't live there now, but I am from there. I only live in places where I am unlikely to have to actually move any snow at any time at all. My sister lives in Mt. Holly, NJ though.

Edit: and it was upstate when I lved there. Ithaca area in fact.
chcr said:
I don't live there now, but I am from there. I only live in places where I am unlikely to have to actually move any snow at any time at all. My sister lives in Mt. Holly, NJ though.

That's where I broke down. I'd never even heard of the place before. Coincidence?

Next I'll hear that she works for Mark Allen's garage.
I know Mark Allen. Runs a garage in NJ, right? About so tall, skinny in a heavy kind of way, bluish brown eyes, hair longer than short, greasy knuckles? Tell him I said hey wouldya?
Professur said:
That's where I broke down. I'd never even heard of the place before. Coincidence?

Next I'll hear that she works for Mark Allen's garage.
Heh. Small world. No, she's a master printer and does layout for the fake yellow pages. Just north of Philadelphia. My bro-in-law is head of packaging design for Subaru North America, just up the road in Cherry Hill. I'm afraid they wouldn't have been much help although he can (and has) build a sailboat.
SouthernN'Proud said:
No. It was in process of being eliminated when we were invaded illegally. As many scholars and a few on here have astutely noted, slavery lost money everywhere it has been instituted. With the developments in agricultural technology it would have become obsolete within fifteen years max. Had the South been given 1/10 the development in railroads as were already in place up yonder, or 1/20 what their raw goods paid for as it were, it would have already been on its way out when Fort Sumter occurred.

So if you are correct it would have lasted up to 15 years longer and stopped because of financial and not moral reasons.
I ain't been confused for Nostradaumus anytime recently, but that's my guess.

And don't start the "moral" argument with me unless you're ready to learn a few things about The Great Dictator Lincoln and his morality during the 1860s and before.

The Confederate flag flew over legalized slavery for four years.

The United States flag flew over legalized slavery for 224 years, over every slave market in America, and from the bow of every ship transporting human beings from Africa to America to become slaves.

Which side bears the greater sin?