Atlantic City


Well-Known Member
Well… there’s a least something to be said about leaving your Country for three days on an extended bachelor party weekend, and it’s this: “Too much and too little”

Too much driving and too little music
Too much booze and too little Tylenols
Too much beach and too little sunscreen
Too many bikinis and too little film
Too many dancers and too little coin
Too much fun and too little time

We had 11 hours on the road to get down to Atlantic city, and although I like hip-hop and salsa-reggae …I don’t like it as much as my bro-in-law does :p At least, we had a Carlos Mencia CD to change things up…that guy’s hilarious!

Got to Altantic City at about 9pm, checked in and hit the board-walk for our supper of Philly Cheese Steaks, some board-walking, people-watching and a trip to the local gentlemen’s club. This I did not know… NJ seems to have a PG-13 ideal for its strip clubs. :( Got back to the hotel at 4am-ish and crashed until 9am (in my case) and 11am (in theirs).

I’ll skip the nitty-gritty details, but we did have some beach time, lunch at Hooters, more greasy food than you can shake a large stick at, some go-carting, some shopping, games, cigars, and more people-watching. We also discovered that NJ limits partial nudity to places which do NOT sell alcohol….and that some clubs are BYOB and have liquor stores located next door to them. ;) We stayed up late, slept little and relaxed. Did a world of good, lemme tell ya!

Pics will eventually follow..but I have to wait for my bro-in-law and his best man to email them to me. I wait, therefore you wait. :D

I hope that you had a nice weekend too! :D

looks like you made it down there just in time. i heard the casinos are closing this week due to a budget impass. seems the casinos have to be lorded over by NJ government officials who wont be on the job due to said budget impass.
Hauled butt down to Atlantic City and the only time that we walked into a Casino was to get to the Hooters Restaurant ;)

I kept hearing the locals talking about services being reduced but didn't see much until we were leaving and had to stop at a Rest Stop for a Johnny on the Spot. It was so bad that I went bush hunting. :p
Timing, eh

No dice: Atlantic City casinos shut down
By JOHN CURRAN, Associated Press Writer
17 minutes ago

New Jersey's casinos ushered the last of the gamblers away from slot machines and tables Wednesday, and janitors locked the doors behind them as a state government shutdown claimed its latest victims.
In the first mass closure in the 28-year history of Atlantic City's legalized gambling trade, all 12 casinos were under state orders to lock up.
Atlantic City's casinos are lucrative for New Jersey. They have a $1.1 billion payroll, and the state takes an 8 percent cut — an estimated $1.3 million a day. But as a stalemate over the state budget entered its fifth day Wednesday with no deal in sight, even they had to shut down.
With no state budget, New Jersey can't pay its state employees, meaning the casino inspectors who keep tabs on the money and whose presence is required at casinos are off the job.
State parks and beaches were also closed Wednesday because of the lack of staff.
"It's like last call at a bar. It's a little bit eerie," said Michael Trager, 36, of Cincinnati, was playing a video poker machine at 10 minutes to 8 a.m. when an attendant told him to conclude his bet. "They said, 'That's it, you gotta cash out. We're closing.'"
The doors to the Boardwalk side of Caesar's were locked by janitors. An announcement came over the public address system telling gamblers the casino was closing.
"It's history," said Andy Trechock, 41, of Depford, as he stepped away from a slot machine at Bally's Wild Wild West casino.
The problem started when the Legislature missed its July 1 constitutional deadline to pass the budget amid a fight with Gov. Jon S. Corzine over his proposed boost in the state sales tax.
Without a spending plan, Corzine ordered state offices shut down Saturday and all non-essential state government operations closed, and he furloughed more than half the state's employees. Only about 36,000 people in vital roles such as child welfare, state police and mental hospitals remained on the job, and they were working without pay.
Corzine planned to address all 120 state lawmakers to discuss the impasse Wednesday morning.
The dispute between the governor and his fellow Democrats who control the Legislature centers on his plan to increase the state sales tax from 6 percent to 7 percent to help overcome a $4.5 billion budget deficit in his $31 billion spending plan. Experts say the proposal would cost the average New Jersey family $275 per year.
Atlantic City Police Chief John Mooney worried that the sudden evacuation of the casinos could lead to problems in the streets and to labor unrest. If the shutdown continues, casino workers who aren't being paid could make trouble, he said.
"This is a state-created disaster," Mooney said.
Up to 15,000 casino employees would be thrown out of work by the closings, and that number could double if the casinos remain closed through the weekend, according to Robert McDevitt, president of Local 54 of UNITE HERE, a labor union that represents rank-and-file casino hotel workers.
The gamblers were well aware of the loss for the city.
"They're going to lose a lot of money," said Jerome Harper, 42, of Philadelphia, who was playing the slots at Resorts Atlantic City. "It's bad. Why close it down when you could just do your job and put the budget together? That's what they're paid for."

People think California is bad (okay, it is) but New Jersey is brain-dead. Can't pump gas, presumably because 9/10 of the residents are simply too stupid to pump it. Evidently they aren't allowed to own cars that actually turn left either. The state gov't is allowed to waste valuable real estate ensuring no one will, however.
MrBishop said:

Tell me about it, I need a 5 year driving record and only 3 years going on four here in Florida, so I have to contact DMV in NJ to get 2 more years-NOPE CANNOT DO!:grumpy: :hmm:
chcr said:
People think California is bad (okay, it is) but New Jersey is brain-dead. Can't pump gas, presumably because 9/10 of the residents are simply too stupid to pump it. Evidently they aren't allowed to own cars that actually turn left either. The state gov't is allowed to waste valuable real estate ensuring no one will, however.

Actually, I MISS someone else pumping my gas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate getting out of the car and doing it myself, and if you dont have a debit/visa, you have to go into the store do prepaid and then go fill-URGHHHHHHHH. And just my luck I get behind some old fart that takes a million years to pump their gas!:rolleyes:
Mare said:
Tell me about it, I need a 5 year driving record and only 3 years going on four here in Florida, so I have to contact DMV in NJ to get 2 more years-NOPE CANNOT DO!:grumpy: :hmm:
Is that because they're shut? :lol:
The damn bureaucrats in North Jersey decided to close down all government functions or some shit like that.

But property tax bill still arrives in the mail...

Guess taxing us is too important to shut down...
I heard that the two versions of the budget they're arguing about are a billion dollars apart. :rolleyes:
Mare said:
Actually, I MISS someone else pumping my gas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate getting out of the car and doing it myself, and if you dont have a debit/visa, you have to go into the store do prepaid and then go fill-URGHHHHHHHH. And just my luck I get behind some old fart that takes a million years to pump their gas!:rolleyes:

I noticed that in Buffalo...if you're not paying at the pumps you have to go inside and prepay...that's silly. We pump our own gas around here (there are a few full serve stations but not many) and we don't have to prepay inside...we can pump and then go inside and pay. Or if we want to we can pay at the pump :shrug:
Nixy, in New Jersey you can NOT, by law, pump your own gas.
My mother should move there. She still drives out of her way to the one full service station to get it pumped for her...either that or she makes her husband go do it.
"High crime" areas used to have the monopoly on pre-pay gas pumps, but since gas is over $3 now there are a lot more drive offs even in whitebread suburbia, thus more pre-paying. A lot of gas stations locally will make you pre-pay if you are using the row of pumps closest to the road.
Nixy said:
I noticed that in Buffalo...if you're not paying at the pumps you have to go inside and prepay...that's silly. We pump our own gas around here (there are a few full serve stations but not many) and we don't have to prepay inside...we can pump and then go inside and pay. Or if we want to we can pay at the pump :shrug:

Out here, most pumps let you pay with a card at the pump, but cash customers have to pay first. Pump-first stations are rare, because that's flat-out asking for someone to drive up with a car rigged up with a 100-gallon tank where the backseat used to be, fill it up and drive away without paying for any of it.
MrBishop said:
Pics will eventually follow..but I have to wait for my bro-in-law and his best man to email them to me. I wait, therefore you wait. :D

YES! dont forget the pics!:D
chcr said:
Is that because they're shut? :lol:

Yep, leave it to Corzine to do something like that. And he might "think" he ever has a chance in office again. I didnt like Christy Whitman at all, but she was definetely better than this wacko.